In this Document



Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document describes 11gR2 databases services for Policy and Administrator Managed Databases. Pre-11gR2 has only Administrator Managed Databases


Services for Policy Managed Database:

Service for a policy-managed databases are defined to a server pool where the database is running, the service can be either UNIFORM or SINGLETON:

-UNIFORM (running on all instances in the pool)

-SINGLETON (running on only one instance in the pool)

For singleton services, RAC chooses on which instance the service is active. If that instance fails, the service fails over to another instance in the same pool.

Note: A single RAC database can run on multiple server pools.


To create a SINGLETON service called BACKUP_JOB using server pool SP1 and a UNIFORM service called ERP using server pool SP2

$srvctl add service -d RAC_DB -s BACKUP_JOB -g SP1 -c singleton

$srvctl add service -d RAC_DB -s ERP -g SP2 -c UNIFORM

Services for Administrator Managed database:

Service for administrator-managed databases is similar as what's in pre-11gR2, it has PREFERRED instances and optionally AVAILABLE instances to control on which instances the service is active:

-PREFERRED (running on these instances normally )

-AVAILABLE (running on these instances when PREFERRED fails)


To create a service called PAYROLL with preferred instance RAC_DB2 and available instance RAC_DB1

$srvctl add service -d RAC_DB -s PAYROLL -r RAC_DB2 -a RAC_DB1

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