首先先上代码吧,我在用springmvc进行response.sendRedirect(url);操作后报了Cannot create a session after the response has been committed错误。

public String index(HttpServletResponse response,HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception{
// String callbackurl = "";
String callbackurl = request.getRequestURL().toString();
Authorize au = new Authorize(appKey, appSecret);
String code = request.getParameter("code");
String url = au.forwardurl(callbackurl, "test", Authorize.DISPLAY_TAG_T.WEB);
if ( code == null || code.isEmpty() ){
return null;
String text=au.querytoken(code, callbackurl);
Map<String, Object> map=JSON.parseObject(text);
String token=(String) map.get("access_token");
return null;
User user=new User(token);
return "sign/front/guide";

在之前是没有加return null的,在执行重定向后悔跳到最后执行springmvc的return 页面操作。所以会报这个错误。所以解决办法就是加上return null;


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