

monad  RACStream RACSignal RACSubject



In functional programming, a monad is a design pattern that defines how functions, actions, inputs, and outputs can be used together to build generic types,[1] with the following organization:

  1. Define a data type, and how values of that data type are combined.
  2. Create functions that use the data type, and compose them together into actions, following the rules defined in the first step.

A monad may encapsulate values of a particular data type, creating a new type associated with a specific additional computation, typically to handle special cases of the type.


Monads allow a programming style where programs are written by putting together highly composable parts, combining in flexible ways the possible actions that can work on a particular type of data. As such, monads have been described as "programmable semicolons"; a semicolon is the operator used to chain together individual statements in many imperative programming languages,[2] thus the expression implies that extra code will be executed between the actions in the pipeline. Monads have also been explained with a physical metaphor as assembly lines, where a conveyor belt transports data between functional units that transform it one step at a time.[3]


Purely functional programs can use monads to structure procedures that include sequenced operations like those found in structured programming.[4][5]

The name and concept comes from category theory, where monads are one particular kind of functor, a mapping between categories.

Monad (functional programming), functional programming constructs that capture various notions of computation






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