
这个基本上是浓缩 Jerry Tom博客的内容,作为参考http://www.cnblogs.com/mbailing/archive/2012/07/31/2616779.html



public partial class city


    public int ID { get; set; }



    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string CountryCode { get; set; }

    public string District { get; set; }

    public int Population { get; set; }

    public virtual country country { get; set; }


    [CustomValidation(typeof(BusinessValidations), "DescriptionRules")]

    public string Description { get; set; }



public partial class country


       public country()


           this.cities = new List<city>();



       public string Code { get; set; }

       public string Name { get; set; }

       public string Continent { get; set; }

       public string Region { get; set; }

       public float SurfaceArea { get; set; }

       public Nullable<short> IndepYear { get; set; }

       public int Population { get; set; }

       public Nullable<float> LifeExpectancy { get; set; }

       public Nullable<float> GNP { get; set; }

       public Nullable<float> GNPOld { get; set; }

       public string LocalName { get; set; }

       public string GovernmentForm { get; set; }

       public string HeadOfState { get; set; }

       public Nullable<int> Capital { get; set; }

       public string Code2 { get; set; }

       public virtual ICollection<city> cities { get; set; }




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace EFEntity.Validation


    public static class BusinessValidations


        public static ValidationResult DescriptionRules(string value)


            var errors = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            if (value != null)


                var description = value as string;

                if (description.Contains("!"))


                    errors.AppendLine("Description should not contain '!'.");


                if (description.Contains(":)") || description.Contains(":("))


                    errors.AppendLine("Description should not contain emotions.");



            if (errors.Length > 0)

                return new ValidationResult(errors.ToString());


                return ValidationResult.Success;





using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using EFEntity.Models;


namespace EFEntity


    class Controller


        /// <summary>

        /// 添加一个实体

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int AddEntity()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var newCity = new city



                        CountryCode = "CHN",

                        District = "Guangdong",

                        Name = "珠海",

                        Population = 10000000



                return context.SaveChanges();




        /// <summary>

        /// 同时添加和修改实体

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int MakeMultipleChanges()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var niagaraFalls = new city


                        Name = "Niagara Falls",

                        CountryCode = "USA",

                        District = "California",

                        Population = 12232



                var query = (from d in context.cities

                             where d.Name == "广州"

                             select d).First();


                query.Name = "惠州";

                return context.SaveChanges();






        /// <summary>

        /// 删除一个实体

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int DeleteCity()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var oldCity = (from d in context.cities

                               where d.Name == "珠海"

                               select d).Single();


                return context.SaveChanges();




        /// <summary>

        /// 级联删除一个实体(国家)和它相关联的从表实体(城市)

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int DeleteUsaAndCities()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var countryUSA = (from d in context.countries

                                  where d.Name == "United States"

                                  select d).Single();

                context.Entry(countryUSA).Collection(d => d.cities).Load();


                return context.SaveChanges();





        /// <summary>

        /// 找到返回一个实体,找不到添加并返回一个实体

        /// </summary>

        public static void FindOrAddCity()


            using (var context = new worldContext())



                var newCity = context.cities.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "湛江");


                if (newCity == null)


                    newCity = context.cities.Add(new city


                        Name = "湛江",

                        CountryCode = "CHN",

                        District = "Guangdong",

                        Population = 100





                Console.WriteLine("增加或找到的城市为:" + newCity.Name);




        /// <summary>

        /// 创建从表实体,并依附到主表实体,建立关联。

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int NewRelationData()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var newcity = new city


                        Name = "随便什么城市",

                        CountryCode = "CHN", //这个属性值后来还是变成为ZWE,


                        District = "Guangdong",

                        Population = 1231232




                var countryChina = (from d in context.countries

                                    where d.Code == "ZWE"

                                    select d).Single();


                return context.SaveChanges();




        /// <summary>

        /// 修改从表实体的依附关系

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int ChangeRelationData()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var oldCity = (from c in context.cities

                               where c.Name == "湛江"

                               select c).Single();

                var oldCountry = (from d in context.countries

                                  where d.Code == "ZWE"

                                  select d).Single();

                oldCity.country = oldCountry;

                return context.SaveChanges();




        /// <summary>

        /// 检查修改状态

        /// </summary>

        public static void ManualDetectChanges()


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                var countryAFG = (from d in context.countries

                                  where d.Name == "Afghanistan"

                                  select d).Single();

                countryAFG.SurfaceArea = 1000000;

                Console.WriteLine("Before DetectChanges: {0}", context.Entry(countryAFG).State);


                Console.WriteLine("After DetectChanges: {0}", context.Entry(countryAFG).State);







        /// <summary>

        /// 验证通用方法

        /// </summary>

        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>

        /// <param name="input"></param>

        public static void ConsoleValidateResult<T>(T input) where T : class


            using (var context = new worldContext())


                if (context.Entry(input).GetValidationResult().IsValid)


                    Console.WriteLine("----Valid 验证通过!");




                    Console.WriteLine("----Invalid 验证不通过!");





        /// <summary>

        /// 验证实体

        /// </summary>

        public static void ValidateCity()





                new city


                        Name = "3412ieiorjteiwjlkrj0943u5094tiroejiktjfgkjfdklsjgdsfddfgfdgfdlksdfs",

                        CountryCode = "CHN",

                        District = "Guangdong",

                        Population = 122






                new city


                        Name = "BeiJingCity",

                        CountryCode = "CHN",

                        District = "直辖市",

                        Population = 100






                new city


                        Name = "Guangzhou", //这里不能是汉字,要不然通不过正则表达式验证

                        CountryCode = "CHN",

                        District = "Guangdong",

                        Population = 100,

                        Description = "This is the description."




        /// <summary>

        /// 于请求中验证属性(Validating Individual Properties on Demand) 

        /// </summary>

        public static void ValidatePropertyOnDemand()


            var cityItem = new city


                    Name = "Beijing",

                    CountryCode = "CHN",

                    District = "直辖市",

                    Population = 100,

                    Description = "我爱北京天安门,Shit!"



            using (var context = new worldContext())


                var errors = context.Entry(cityItem).Property(p => p.Description).GetValidationErrors();


                Console.WriteLine("#Description 验证错误; {0}",errors.Count());





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