PHP 实现 word/excel/ppt 转换为 PDF


class PDFConverter
private $com; /**
* need to install openoffice and run in the background
* soffice -headless-accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard
public function __construct()
try {
$this->com = new COM('');
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Please be sure that is installed.');
} /**
* Execute PDF file(absolute path) conversion
* @param $source [source file]
* @param $export [export file]
public function execute($source, $export)
$source = 'file:///' . str_replace('\\', '/', $source);
$export = 'file:///' . str_replace('\\', '/', $export);
$this->convertProcess($source, $export);
} /**
* Get the PDF pages
* @param $pdf_path [absolute path]
* @return int
public function getPages($pdf_path)
if (!file_exists($pdf_path)) return 0;
if (!is_readable($pdf_path)) return 0;
if ($fp = fopen($pdf_path, 'r')) {
$page = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp, 255);
if (preg_match('/\/Count [0-9]+/', $line, $matches)) {
preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $matches[0], $matches2);
$page = ($page < $matches2[0]) ? $matches2[0] : $page;
return $page;
return 0;
} private function setProperty($name, $value)
$struct = $this->com->Bridge_GetStruct('');
$struct->Name = $name;
$struct->Value = $value;
return $struct;
} private function convertProcess($source, $export)
$desktop_args = array($this->setProperty('Hidden', true));
$desktop = $this->com->createInstance('');
$export_args = array($this->setProperty('FilterName', 'writer_pdf_Export'));
$program = $desktop->loadComponentFromURL($source, '_blank', 0, $desktop_args);
$program->storeToURL($export, $export_args);

更多详细细节可以关注公众号,并回复 word 获取word相关的资料。


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