<< good << good

$ chmod 6755 $GRID_HOME/bin/oracle

The oracle binary for both GRID_HOME/bin and RDBMS ORACLE_HOME/bin should have 6755 permission, eg: -rwsr-s--x

[oracle@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:28:43 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[oracle@localhost ~]$ strace   -f -o /tmp/trace.1.log $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba
发现10336 open("/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/tls/sse2/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

ORA-12547: TNS:Lost Contact From SqlPlus [ID 422173.1]

修改时间 01-MAR-2012     类型 PROBLEM     状态 PUBLISHED

In this Document

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.2
Linux x86
HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)
Oracle Solaris on x86 (32-bit)
z*OBSOLETE: IBM AIX 4.3 Based Systems (64-bit)
Linux x86-64


- Not able to make a local connection.
- Getting the following error when trying to connect using Sql*Plus

ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact

For example:

$sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Mar 30 11:59:06 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact


This could be due to

  1. to kernel parameters settings
  2. Incorrect permissions on the ORACLE executable
  3. Insufficient ulimit setting for stack
  4. $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.o is 0 bytes
  5. Oracle binaries have not been linked correctly
  6. A missing $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory
    Note that creating an empty dbs directory already solves this error and you can for instance shutdown the instance. However, you will obviously not be able to restart because of the missing parameter file. So, the dbs directory needs to be fully restored.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1.  This could be due to kernel parameters settings

Please check the notes below that provide the required settings for kernel parameters
Note 169706.1 Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64

2.  This could be due to incorrect permissions on the ORACLE.exe

Optionally, if you collect the OS trace with:

$strace -f -o /tmp/trace.1.log $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba

You may see some (Permission denied) in the trace.1.log like the following:

21810 open("/oracle/PROD/db/tech_st/11.1.0/admin/PROD_erptest/diag/rdbms/prod/PROD/alert/log.xml", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0664) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

21810 open("/oracle/PROD/db/tech_st/11.1.0/admin/PROD_erptest/diag/rdbms/prod/PROD/trace/alert_PROD.log", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0664) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

The 'ls' command should show permissions 6751 (as follows)

Please check permissions by running:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ls -l oracle

The output should show the correct permission which is:

-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle dba

If not, then please execute the following to correct the permissions:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ chmod 6751 oracle
$ ls -l oracle

Please also verify if the following are correct:

echo $PATH

3. Check the current ulimit setting for stack

ulimit -a

Check the install guide for your specific platform and version of Oracle and set the stack appropriately.

4.  Check to ensure the following two files are not 0 bytes:


If yes, rename the following file:

% cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
% mv config.o config.o.bad

Then, relink the oracle binary:

% relink oracle

5. If the above does not resolve I suggest that you shutdown the database and listener and then
"relink all"
Note 131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX


NOTE:131321.1 - How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
NOTE:169706.1 - Oracle Database on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2)
NOTE:555565.1 - Troubleshooting ORA-12547 TNS: Lost Contact
NOTE:188149.1 - How to Display and Change UNIX Process Resource Limits
NOTE:744512.1 - Ora-12547: Tns:Lost Contact Creating Database After Clean Installation


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