using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.Mime;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace Fw.WebAPI.Controllers.FileAPI
public class MediaAPIController : ApiController
#region Fields // This will be used in copying input stream to output stream.
public const int ReadStreamBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
// We have a read-only dictionary for mapping file extensions and MIME names.
public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> MimeNames;
// We will discuss this later.
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<char> InvalidFileNameChars;
// Where are your videos located at? Change the value to any folder you want.
public static readonly string InitialDirectory; #endregion #region Constructors static MediaAPIController()
var mimeNames = new Dictionary<string, string>(); mimeNames.Add(".mp3", "audio/mpeg"); // List all supported media types;
mimeNames.Add(".mp4", "video/mp4");
mimeNames.Add(".ogg", "application/ogg");
mimeNames.Add(".ogv", "video/ogg");
mimeNames.Add(".oga", "audio/ogg");
mimeNames.Add(".wav", "audio/x-wav");
mimeNames.Add(".webm", "video/webm"); MimeNames = new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>(mimeNames); InvalidFileNameChars = Array.AsReadOnly(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());
InitialDirectory = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InitialDirectory"];
} #endregion #region Actions
public HttpResponseMessage Play(string id)
IDFSHandle dsfHandle = new GridFSHandle();
Stream stream=dsfHandle.GetFile(id); // This can prevent some unnecessary accesses.
// These kind of file names won't be existing at all.
if (stream==null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); long totalLength = stream.Length; RangeHeaderValue rangeHeader = base.Request.Headers.Range;
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(); response.Headers.AcceptRanges.Add("bytes"); // The request will be treated as normal request if there is no Range header.
if (rangeHeader == null || !rangeHeader.Ranges.Any())
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
response.Content = new PushStreamContent((outputStream, httpContent, transpContext)
using (outputStream) // Copy the file to output stream straightforward. try
stream.CopyTo(outputStream, ReadStreamBufferSize);
catch (Exception error)
} }, GetMimeNameFromExt("mp4")); response.Content.Headers.ContentLength = totalLength;
return response;
} long start = 0, end = 0; // 1. If the unit is not 'bytes'.
// 2. If there are multiple ranges in header value.
// 3. If start or end position is greater than file length.
if (rangeHeader.Unit != "bytes" || rangeHeader.Ranges.Count > 1 ||
!TryReadRangeItem(rangeHeader.Ranges.First(), totalLength, out start, out end))
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable;
response.Content = new StreamContent(Stream.Null); // No content for this status.
response.Content.Headers.ContentRange = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(totalLength);
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = GetMimeNameFromExt("mp4"); return response;
} var contentRange = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(start, end, totalLength); // We are now ready to produce partial content.
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.PartialContent;
response.Content = new PushStreamContent((outputStream, httpContent, transpContext)
using (outputStream) // Copy the file to output stream in indicated range. CreatePartialContent(stream, outputStream, start, end); }, GetMimeNameFromExt("mp4")); response.Content.Headers.ContentLength = end - start + 1;
response.Content.Headers.ContentRange = contentRange; return response;
} #endregion #region Others private static bool AnyInvalidFileNameChars(string fileName)
return InvalidFileNameChars.Intersect(fileName).Any();
} private static MediaTypeHeaderValue GetMimeNameFromExt(string ext)
string value; if (MimeNames.TryGetValue(ext.ToLowerInvariant(), out value))
return new MediaTypeHeaderValue(value);
return new MediaTypeHeaderValue(MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet);
} private static bool TryReadRangeItem(RangeItemHeaderValue range, long contentLength,
out long start, out long end)
if (range.From != null)
start = range.From.Value;
if (range.To != null)
end = range.To.Value;
end = contentLength - 1;
end = contentLength - 1;
if (range.To != null)
start = contentLength - range.To.Value;
start = 0;
return (start < contentLength && end < contentLength);
} private static void CreatePartialContent(Stream inputStream, Stream outputStream,
long start, long end)
int count = 0;
long remainingBytes = end - start + 1;
long position = start;
byte[] buffer = new byte[ReadStreamBufferSize]; inputStream.Position = start;
if (remainingBytes > ReadStreamBufferSize)
count = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, ReadStreamBufferSize);
count = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)remainingBytes);
outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, count);
catch (Exception error)
position = inputStream.Position;
remainingBytes = end - position + 1;
} while (position <= end);
} #endregion




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