Django 2.x版本迁移数据库报这个错误,user表使用的Django的验证系统



  1. from django.apps import AppConfig
  3. class UserConfig(AppConfig):
  4. name = 'apps.user'


  1. from django.apps import AppConfig
  3. class UserConfig(AppConfig):
  4. name = 'user'



RuntimeError: Model class goods.models.GoodsType doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.



我原先在goods/views.py里导入类视图的方式: from .views import IndexView

然后我改了下导入的方式: from apps.goods/views  ,这下竟然不抛出异常了,奇迹

但是我还是不知道为什么,明明我 user应用里就是 from .views import 类视图,就没事,goods应用就有问题,没谁了真是


  1. from django.apps import AppConfig
  3. class GoodsConfig(AppConfig):
  4. name = 'apps.goods'



RuntimeError: Model class user.models.User doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.的更多相关文章

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