std::wstring std::string w2m m2w
static std::wstring m2w(std::string ch, unsigned int CodePage = CP_ACP)
if (ch.empty())return L"";
std::wstring ret;
DWORD dwOutSize = ;
dwOutSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, , ch.c_str(), -, NULL, ); ret.resize(dwOutSize - );
MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, , ch.c_str(), ch.size(), &ret[], dwOutSize); return ret;
static std::string w2m(std::wstring wch, unsigned int CodePage = CP_ACP)
std::string ret;
DWORD dwOutSize = ;
dwOutSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, , wch.c_str(), -, NULL, , NULL, FALSE); char *pwText = ;
pwText = new char[dwOutSize];
pwText[dwOutSize - ] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, , wch.c_str(), wch.size(), pwText, dwOutSize, NULL, FALSE); ret = pwText;
if (pwText)delete[]pwText; return ret;
std::string name = w2m(m2w(obj->GetName(), CP_UTF8));//转换编码
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