
* 有方向的线段
* @author Gm
public class DirectionLine implements Cloneable { private String beginNode;
private String endNode; public DirectionLine(String beginNode, String endNode) {
this.beginNode = beginNode;
this.endNode = endNode;
} public String toString() {
return beginNode + "->" + endNode;
} public String getBeginNode() {
return beginNode;
} public void setBeginNode(String beginNode) {
this.beginNode = beginNode;
} public String getEndNode() {
return endNode;
} public void setEndNode(String endNode) {
this.endNode = endNode;
} public boolean equals(Object obj) {
DirectionLine dl = (DirectionLine) obj;
if (this.getBeginNode().equals(dl.getBeginNode()) && this.getEndNode().equals(dl.getEndNode())) {
return true;
return false;
} public Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;


public class Graph {

	List<DirectionLine> directionLines = null; // 已知的路径(有向线,包含:开始点、结束点)
List<String> visitedList = new ArrayList<String>(); // 存放已经访问过点的节点
Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<String>(); // 目的访问路径(点的集合)
Set<DirectionLine> loopList = new HashSet<DirectionLine>(); // 已知的回路(有向线,包含:开始点、结束点) public Graph(List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
this.directionLines = directionLines;
} public List<DirectionLine> getDirectionLines() {
return directionLines;
} public void setDirectionLines(List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
this.directionLines = directionLines;
} public List<String> getVisitedList() {
return visitedList;
} public void setVisitedList(List<String> visitedList) {
this.visitedList = visitedList;
} public Set<String> getResultSet() {
return resultSet;
} public void setResultSet(Set<String> resultSet) {
this.resultSet = resultSet;
} public Set<DirectionLine> getLoopList() {
return loopList;
} public void setLoopList(Set<DirectionLine> loopList) {
this.loopList = loopList;
} /**
* 路径遍历的核心算法
* @param startNode
* @param endNode
public void getAllPaths(String startNode, String endNode) {
// System.out.println("访问的起点->终点:" + startNode + "->" + endNode);
for (int z = 0; z < directionLines.size(); z++) {
// System.out.println("遍历次数:" + z + ",路径:" + directionLines.get(z).toString());
if (directionLines.get(z).getBeginNode().equals(startNode)) { // 寻找找以startNode开始的路径
if (directionLines.get(z).getEndNode().equals(endNode)) { // 如果以endNode结尾,则为一条有效路径
resultSet.add(visitedList.toString().substring(0, visitedList.toString().lastIndexOf("]")) + "," + endNode + "]");
// System.out.println("已访问过的节点:" + visitedList.toString());
if (!visitedList.contains(directionLines.get(z).getEndNode())) {// 此节点仍未遍历,则继续迭代
getAllPaths(directionLines.get(z).getEndNode(), endNode);
} else {// 证明存在回路
public class MapVisit {
* 构造初始化路径--已知
public List<DirectionLine> init() {
List<DirectionLine> directionLines = new ArrayList<DirectionLine>();
String str = CommonUtil.readToString("room_layout2.json");
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(str);
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) {
String startNode = "node" + entry.getKey();
JSONObject child_nodes = JSONObject.parseObject(entry.getValue().toString());
for (Entry<String, Object> child_entry : child_nodes.entrySet()) {
String endNode = "node" + child_entry.getKey();
// System.out.println(startNode + ":" + endNode);
directionLines.add(new DirectionLine(startNode, endNode));
return directionLines;
} /**
* 判断所有路径中是否有以beginNode节点为起点的基本路径
* @param beginNode
* @param directionLines
* @return
public boolean existBeginNode(String beginNode, List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
boolean result = false;
for (DirectionLine dl : directionLines) {
if (dl.getBeginNode().equals(beginNode)) {
result = true;
return result;
} /**
* 判断所有路径中是否有以end节点为终点的基本路径
* @param endNode
* @param directionLines
* @return
public boolean existEndNode(String endNode, List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
boolean result = false;
for (DirectionLine dl : directionLines) {
if (dl.getEndNode().equals(endNode)) {
result = true;
return result;
} /**
* 根据路径获取到所有的节点
* @param directionLines
* @return
public Set<String> getAllNodes(List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<String>();
for (DirectionLine r : directionLines) {
return nodes;
} /**
* 获取到需要删除的路径
* @param beginNodes
* 无效起始节点
* @param endNodes
* 无效终结点
* @param directionLines
public Set<DirectionLine> deleteDirectionLines(Set<String> beginNodes, Set<String> endNodes, List<DirectionLine> directionLines) {
Set<DirectionLine> set = new HashSet<DirectionLine>();
for (String str : beginNodes) {
for (DirectionLine dl : directionLines) {
if (dl.getBeginNode().equals(str)) {
if (dl.getBeginNode().equals(str)) {
return set;
} /**
* 过滤掉无用的节点 获取到无效开始节点和无效结束点
* @param all
* @param directionLines
* @param beginNodes
* @param endNodes
* @return
public Set<String> filterInvalidNode(Set<String> allNodes, List<DirectionLine> directionLines, Set<String> beginNodes, Set<String> endNodes) {
Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
boolean isBegin = true;
boolean isEnd = true;
for (String node : allNodes) {
if (!existEndNode(node, directionLines)) { // 没有以此节点结尾的路径,则证明此节点为无用节点
isBegin = false;
} else if (!existBeginNode(node, directionLines)) {// 没有以此节点开头的路径,则证明此节点为无用节点
isEnd = false;
} else {
result.add(node); // 有用的节点
if (isBegin == true && isEnd == true) {
return result;
} else {
return filterInvalidNode(result, directionLines, beginNodes, endNodes);
} /**
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
MapVisit visit = new MapVisit();
List<DirectionLine> directionLines = visit.init();
// 构造基本路径--为已知条件
Set<String> invalidBeginNodes = new HashSet<String>(); // 无效的起始节点
Set<String> invalidEndNodes = new HashSet<String>(); // 无效的结束节点
Set<String> allNodes = visit.getAllNodes(directionLines);
visit.filterInvalidNode(allNodes, directionLines, invalidBeginNodes, invalidEndNodes); // 获取到无效开始节点和无效结束点
Set<DirectionLine> invalidRoads = visit.deleteDirectionLines(invalidBeginNodes, invalidEndNodes, directionLines); // 获取需要删除的路径
directionLines.removeAll(invalidRoads); // 删除无效的路径 // System.out.println(directionLines.toString()); Graph pra = new Graph(directionLines);
String begin = "node12"; // 起始点
String end = "node1"; // 终结点
// 获取所有有效路径
pra.getAllPaths(begin, end); Iterator<String> it = pra.getResultSet().iterator();
System.out.println("-----------------从" + begin + "至" + end + "的有效路径如下-----------------");
while (it.hasNext()) {





[node12, node17, node18, node19, node2,node1]

[node12, node10, node9, node3, node2,node1]

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