vue_03 练习
ad_data = {
tv: [
{img: 'img/tv/001.png', title: 'tv1'},
{img: 'img/tv/002.png', title: 'tv2'},
{img: 'img/tv/003.png', title: 'tv3'},
{img: 'img/tv/004.png', title: 'tv4'},
phone: [
{img: 'img/phone/001.png', title: 'phone1'},
{img: 'img/phone/002.png', title: 'phone2'},
{img: 'img/phone/003.png', title: 'phone3'},
{img: 'img/phone/004.png', title: 'phone4'},
i) 有两个大标题,电视和手机,点击对应的标题,渲染对应的数据
ii) 一个字典作为一个显示单位,定义一个子组件进行渲染(涉及父子组件传参)
2、在第1题基础上,页面最下方有一个 h2 标签,用来渲染用户当前选择的广告(点击哪个广告就是选中哪个广告)
i)当没有点击任何广告,h2 标签显示:未选中任何广告
ii)当点击其中一个广告,如tv1,h2 标签显示:tv1被选中
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
body, h2 {
margin: 0;
.wrap {
width: 880px;
margin: 0 auto;
.wrap:after {
content: '';
display: block;
clear: both;
.box {
width: 200px;
border-radius: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #eee;
float: left;
margin: 10px;
.box img {
width: 100%;
height: 240px;
.box h2 {
text-align: center;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 20px;
.nav, h2 {
text-align: center;
.active {
background-color: pink;
<div id="app">
<div class="nav">
<button @click="page = 'tv'" :class="{active: page === 'tv'}">tv</button>
<button @click="page = 'phone'" :class="{active: page === 'phone'}">phone</button>
<div class="wrap" v-if="page === 'tv'">
<tag v-for="tv in" :ad="tv" :key="tv.title" @action="change_select"></tag>
<!-- v-for指令,需要给循环的标签或组件添加 key 属性,完成缓存的建立 -->
<div class="wrap" v-else-if="page === 'phone'">
<tag v-for="phone in" :ad="phone" :key="phone.title" @action="change_select"></tag>
<h2 class="footer">{{ select_ad }}</h2>
<script src="js/vue.js"></script>
ad_data = {
tv: [
{img: 'img/tv/001.jpg', title: 'tv1'},
{img: 'img/tv/002.jpg', title: 'tv2'},
{img: 'img/tv/003.jpg', title: 'tv3'},
{img: 'img/tv/004.jpg', title: 'tv4'},
phone: [
{img: 'img/phone/100.jpg', title: 'phone1'},
{img: 'img/phone/200.jpg', title: 'phone2'},
{img: 'img/phone/300.jpg', title: 'phone3'},
{img: 'img/phone/400.jpg', title: 'phone4'},
let tag = {
props: ['ad'],
template: `
<div class="box" @click="send_ad(ad)">
<img :src="ad.img" alt="">
<h2>{{ ad.title }}</h2>
methods: {
send_ad(ad) {
this.$emit('action', ad);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
page: 'tv',
select_ad: '未选中'
components: {
methods: {
change_select(ad) {
// this.select_ad = ad.title + '被选中';
this.select_ad = `${ad.title}被选中`;
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