/* eslint-disable */
// 设置文件
import setting from "@/setting.js"; const themeList = setting.theme.list; export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
// 主题
list: themeList,
// 现在激活的主题 这应该是一个名字 不是对象
activeNumber: 0,
activeName: setting.theme.list[0].name
actions: {
* @description 激活一个主题
* @param {Object} state vuex state
* @param {String} themeValue 需要激活的主题名称
set({ state, commit, dispatch }, activeNumber) {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
// 检查这个主题在主题列表里是否存在
if (activeNumber < state.list.length) {
state.activeNumber = activeNumber;
state.activeName = state.list[activeNumber].name;
// 将 vuex 中的主题应用到 dom
// 持久化
await dispatch(
path: "theme.activeName",
value: state.activeName,
user: false
{ root: true }
// end
* @description 从持久化数据加载主题设置
* @param {Object} state vuex state
load({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
// store 赋值
let activeName = await dispatch(
path: "theme.activeName",
defaultValue: state.activeName,
user: false
{ root: true }
); // 检查这个主题在主题列表里是否存在
const _index = state.list.findIndex(e => e.name === activeName);
if (_index > -1) {
state.activeNumber = _index;
state.activeName = activeName;
} else {
// 持久化
await dispatch(
path: "theme.activeName",
value: state.activeName,
user: false
{ root: true }
// 将 vuex 中的主题应用到 dom
// end
mutations: {
* @description 将 vuex 中的主题应用到 dom
* @param {Object} state vuex state
dom(state) {
document.body.className = `theme-${state.activeName}`;


import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
...mapState('cptwebsite/theme', ['activeName'])
created () {
methods: {
_getLess () {
return require(`@/assets/styles/theme/${this.activeName}/index.less`)
_getImage (filepath, filename) {
return require(`@/assets/templates/${this.activeName}/images/${filepath}/${filename}`)
_getPublicImage (filepath, filename) {
return require(`@/assets/images/${filepath}/${filename}`)
watch: {
activeName () {


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