LC 856. Score of Parentheses
Given a balanced parentheses string S
, compute the score of the string based on the following rule:
has score 1AB
has scoreA + B
, where A and B are balanced parentheses strings.(A)
has score2 * A
, where A is a balanced parentheses string.
Example 1:
Input: "()"
Output: 1
Example 2:
Input: "(())"
Output: 2
Example 3:
Input: "()()"
Output: 2
Example 4:
Input: "(()(()))"
Output: 6
is a balanced parentheses string, containing only(
.2 <= S.length <= 50
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00% of C++ online submissions for Score of Parentheses.
(A) = 2 * A 是表示深度的一个概念。
class Solution {
int scoreOfParentheses(string S) {
int ret = , cnt = ;
char last = ' ';
for(auto ch : S){
if(ch == '('){
}else {
if(last == '('){
ret += (<<cnt);
last = ch;
return ret;
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