

Select a recently opened file from the list.

⌘/ (left command + /)
⌥⌘/ (right command + /)

Add/remove line or block comment

Comment out a line or block of code.


Find class, file, or symbol

Alt + ⌘ +left arrow go back to previous caret (text cursor) position
⌘7   show the  Structureof Source file
  • ctrl+Y. Delete current line.
  • ctrl+D. Duplicate current line or selected block.
  • ***************
  • Configuring Lombok on IntelliJ - Installation of Lombok plugin
  • Using IDE built-in plugin system on MacOs:
    • Preferences > Settings > Plugins > Browse repositories... > Search for "lombok" > Install Plugin
  • ** Use proxy to download Lombok
  • 3) Enable Annotation Processing
     In your project: Click Preferences, "Build, Execution, Deployment", Compiler, Annotation Processors. Click Enable Annotation Processing
  • ***************
  • Reformatting the code of the current file

    To reformat code for the current file, follow these steps:

    1. In the editor of the currently opened file, press ⌥⇧⌘L.

      Note that if you select Code | Reformat Code from the main menu or press ⌥⌘L, RubyMine will try to reformat the source code automatically without opening the Reformat File dialog.

    2. In the Reformat File dialog, specify options for the reformatting and click Run.

type "syso", followed by CTRL + SPACE. Eclipse will magically fill out the full System.out.println() function call and place your cursor in between the parentheses
Eclipse Plugin:
— TM terminal (previously named TCF terminal)
Installed from Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type Ctrl + Alt + T 

System.out.println (“sysout” and Ctrl + Space)

When working with console applications, you’ll need to use System.out.println() for printing messages. But because this is so cumbersome, Eclipse has a quick shortcut for you: type “sysout” (without the quotes), then hit Ctrl + Space.

Search Entire Project (Ctrl + H)

When working on large codebases, it’s easy to forget where you declared certain classes, methods, or variables. Instead of wasting time combing through directories by hand, use the Search Entire Project prompt with the Ctrl + H shortcut.

the full list of shortcuts can be displayed from anywhere via Ctrl+Shift+L.

you are on Mac, then just press key: Command + Shift + L.

Enabling Assertions in Eclipse

Per-Project Settings

In Eclipse, select "Run » Run Configurations..." from the menu bar. This will open up a dialog window. If you do not already have a run configuration for the current file, go ahead and create one. Otherwise, select the "Arguments" tab and enter -ea in the "VM Arguments" text box as follows:

Eclipse-Wide Settings

If you always want assertions enabled for any Java project you run in Eclipse, you have to change the settings for your installed JREs. Go to the Eclipse Preferences window (either "Window » Preferences" or "Eclipse » Preferences" from the menu bar). Open the "Java" submenu, and select "Installed JREs". You should see something similar to:


Decompile Java

Using jad:

$ ./jad -sjava BasicColor.class


JD command line:

java -jar EnumLevel.class

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