There is a vibrant, helpful Android developer community on the Web. Here are a number
of useful websites for Android developers and followers of the wireless industry:

  • Android Developer Website: The Android SDK and developer reference site:

  • Stack Overflow: The Android website with great technical information (complete

with tags) and an official support forum for developers:

  • Open Handset Alliance: Android manufacturers, operators, and developers:

  • Android Market: Buy and sell Android applications:

  • Mobiletuts+: Mobile development tutorials, including Android:

  • An Android developer forum:

  • Google Team Android Apps: Open source Android applications:

  • Android Tools Project Site: The tools team discusses updates and changes:

  • FierceDeveloper: A weekly newsletter for wireless developers:

  • Wireless Developer Network: Daily news on the wireless industry:

  • XDA-Developers Android Forum: From general development to ROMs:

  • A developer-oriented site with mobile articles:

Websites for more Android development information的更多相关文章

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