









int p = 111;

//pid_t fork(void);//在父进程中返回子进程的id,在子进程返回0(没有子进程了嘛,因为)。

int main(int
argc, char*argv[])//有用户指定创建多少个子进程


    printf("hello from Create_N_subprocesses!\n");

    if (argc < 2)


        printf("Too few parameters\n");



    int i, n = atoi(argv[1]);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


        if (0 == fork())//父进程中返回的不是0,继续执行for循环;在子进程中返回0,for循环结束。







    if (i < n)//父进程不能算在里面



        printf("I am the %d process.\n p = %d\n", i + 1, p);//这里的每个p都一样,哪怕每次p都会自增




        printf("my father process \n p = %d\n", p);//但是这里还是会输出111







    return 0;




1.阻塞等待子进程退出 (如果该子进程没有死亡,父进程阻塞,不做其他的事。)



原型:pid_t wait(int *status);

返回值:成功:清理掉的子进程ID;失败:-1 (没有子进程)









int main()


    int status;

    int i = 0;

    pid_t pid_1, pid_2;


    for (; i != 1; i++)


        pid_1 = fork();

        if (!pid_1)





    if (i < 1)



        printf("I am the %d child.my ID is %d .\n", i + 1, getpid());




        pid_2 = wait(&status);

        if (-1 == pid_2)


            perror("wait precess ");



        printf("Recovery of the %d process is successful.It is ID %d .\n", i, pid_2);

        if (WIFEXITED(status))


            printf("Normal exit of process, Exit status : %d .\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));


if (WIFSIGNALED(status))


            printf("The program exits with abnormal signal, signal value : %d.\n", WTERMSIG(status));



        printf("I am is father.\n");



    //printf("hello from Recycle_child_process!\n");

    return 0;



WIFEXITED(status) 为非0     → 进程正常结束

WEXITSTATUS(status) 如上宏为真,使用此宏 → 获取进程退出状态 (exit的参数)

WIFSIGNALED(status) 为非0 → 进程异常终止

WTERMSIG(status) 如上宏为真,使用此宏 → 取得使进程终止的那个信号的编号。


I am the 1 child.my ID is 6024 .
Recovery of the 1 process is successful.It is ID 6024 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.


程序显示该子进程是正常退出的,返回值为0;我们可以改动这个返回值:用return 语句

if (i < 1)



    printf("I am the %d child.my ID is %d .\n", i + 1, getpid());

    return 1314520;



I am the 1 child.my ID is 6024 .
Recovery of the 1 process is successful.It is ID 6024 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status: .
I am is father.




int main(void)


    int i = 5 / 0;//浮点异常

    char *p = "love dandan";

    p[2] = 69;

    return 0;




if (i < 1)


    execl(" / home / lovedan / projects / Recycle_child_process / bin / x64 / Debug / a.out", "a.out", NULL);//第一个参数一定是绝对路径。相信你知道execl函数


                printf("I am the %d child.my ID is %d .\n", i + 1, getpid());*/


这时候,程序的输出。。。。输出结果我丢失了,也不想在去重新弄了。反正吧,他会输出子进程被成功回收,但是子进程是异常退出。提示浮点异常,value值是8(即:SIGFPE)。将in i=5/0;注释掉之后在编译它,重新运行另外一个程序输出结果又会不一样。会提示我们子进程因为段错误而退出。





for (; i != 10; i++)


    pid_1 = fork();

    if (!pid_1)





if (i < 10)



    printf("I am the %d child.my ID is %d .\n", i + 1, getpid());





    while (pid_2 = wait(&status) != -1)//循环回收进程


        printf("Recovery of the %d process is successful.It is ID %d .\n", i, pid_2);


        if (WIFEXITED(status))


            printf("Normal exit of process, Exit status : %d .\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));


if (WIFSIGNALED(status))


            printf("The program exits with abnormal signal, signal value : %d.\n", WTERMSIG(status));




        printf("I am is father.\n");



    if (-1 == pid_2)


        perror("wait precess ");





I am the 1 child.my ID is 1225 .
I am the 2 child.my ID is 1226 .
I am the 3 child.my ID is 1227 .
I am the 4 child.my ID is 1228 .
I am the 5 child.my ID is 1229 .
I am the 6 child.my ID is 1230 .
I am the 7 child.my ID is 1231 .
I am the 8 child.my ID is 1232 .
I am the 9 child.my ID is 1233 .
I am the 10 child.my ID is 1234 .
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.
Recovery of the 10 process is successful.It is ID 1 .
Normal exit of process,Exit status:0 .
I am is father.



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