
zookeeper主要作用是服务发现,thrift协议作为通信传输协议, 基于commons pool2构建连接池。


* @author zhangkai
* 抽象的thrift client,内置socket连接池以及线程池,提供同步阻塞式调用和超时调用
* 具体thrift client需要继承该类并实现其中的抽象方法并按照需要重写相关方法
public abstract class AbstractThriftClient {
private final static int MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
private final static int MIN_FRAME_SIZE = 1024; protected ThreadPoolExecutor executor;
protected AbstractThriftClient client = this;
protected ClientConfig clientConfig;
protected CuratorFramework zkClient;
protected List<TConnectionPool> shardInfos = Lists.newArrayList(); /**
* AbstractThriftClient的构造函数
* 初始化线程池、连接池以及服务发现机制
protected AbstractThriftClient(ClientConfig clientConfig) {
int processors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(processors * 5, processors * 10, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(processors * 100),
Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
this.clientConfig = clientConfig;
this.zkClient = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder()
.retryPolicy(new ExponentialBackoffRetry(500, 4)).build();
} /**
* 唯一需要上层实现的抽象类
* 该方法接收封装好的RPCRequest
* 调用真实的RPC请求
* 将RPC服务返回的结果打包成RPCResponse
* 上层的具体thrift client实例需要实现该方法
protected abstract RPCResponse doService(RPCRequest rpcRequest, TProtocol protocol) throws Exception; /**
* 从连接池中选择连接的方法,
* 上层可以重写该方法,实现自己的hash规则
protected int hashRule(RPCRequest request){
Random rand = new Random();
return rand.nextInt(shardInfos.size());
} /**
* processRequest方法处理流程:
* 1、从连接池中获取连接
* 2、创建相应的Transport协议结构
* 3、调用doService方法获取RPC的返回结果
* @param rpcRequest
* @return
protected RPCResponse processRequest(RPCRequest rpcRequest){
String serviceName = rpcRequest.getServiceName();
RPCResponse response = new RPCResponse();
if(serviceName == null){
LogUtils.warn("serviceName can not be null");
return response;
TConnectionPool connPool = getConnPool(rpcRequest);
if(connPool == null){
return response;
TSocket socket = connPool.getSocket();
try {
TTransport transport = new TFastFramedTransport(socket, MIN_FRAME_SIZE, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
if (!transport.isOpen()) {
TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
return this.doService(rpcRequest, protocol);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogUtils.error("", e);
return response;
} finally {
if (socket.isOpen()) {
} protected RPCResponse sendRequest(RPCRequest request){
if(clientConfig.getRequestTimeout() <= 0){
return this.processRequest(request);
return this.processRequestTimeout(request, clientConfig.getRequestTimeout());
} private TConnectionPool getConnPool(RPCRequest request){
if(shardInfos.size() <= 0){
LogUtils.warn("no valid node available");
return null;
int index = hashRule(request);
return shardInfos.get(index % shardInfos.size());
} private RPCResponse processRequestTimeout(RPCRequest request, int timeout){
RPCRequestTask rpcRequestTask = new RPCRequestTask(request);
Future<RPCResponse> future = executor.submit(rpcRequestTask); try {
RPCResponse response = future.get(clientConfig.getRequestTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return response;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LogUtils.warn("[ExecutorService]The current thread was interrupted while waiting: ", e);
RPCResponse response = new RPCResponse();
return response;
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LogUtils.warn("[ExecutorService]The computation threw an exception: ", e);
RPCResponse response = new RPCResponse();
return response;
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
LogUtils.warn("[ExecutorService]The wait " + this.clientConfig.getRequestTimeout() + " timed out: ", e);
RPCResponse response = new RPCResponse();
return response;
} catch(Exception e){
LogUtils.warn("[ExecutorService] failed", e);
RPCResponse response = new RPCResponse();
return response;
} private class RPCRequestTask implements Callable<RPCResponse> {
private RPCRequest rpcRequest; public RPCRequestTask(RPCRequest request) {
this.rpcRequest = request;
} @Override
public RPCResponse call() {
return client.processRequest(rpcRequest);
}; private void buildConnPool(){
List<String> nodes = zkClient
.usingWatcher(new Watcher(){
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
if(event.getType() == EventType.NodeChildrenChanged){
List<TConnectionPool> currShardInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
for(String node : nodes){
String path = clientConfig.getZkNamespace() + "/" + node;
byte[] dataArray = zkClient.getData().forPath(path);
String dataStr = new String(dataArray);
RegistryInfo info = JsonUtils.fromJson(dataStr, RegistryInfo.class);
TServerInfo server = new TServerInfo(info.getIp(), info.getPort());
currShardInfos.add(new TConnectionPool(server));
this.shardInfos = currShardInfos;
}catch(Exception e){
LogUtils.error("build conn pool failed", e);



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