Sub ExportCustom()
' ExportCustom 宏
' 导出自定义属性到custom.txt
Dim lFileNumber As Long
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim current As Object
Set current = ActiveDocument
sFilePath = current.Path + "\Custom.txt"
lFileNumber = FreeFile()
Open sFilePath For Output As #lFileNumber
Dim i As Integer
For Each objProp In current.CustomDocumentProperties
Dim bRegular As Boolean
bRegular = True
If objProp.Name = "ProprietaryDeclaration" Then
bRegular = False
End If
If objProp.Name = "slevel" Then
bRegular = False
End If
If objProp.Name = "slevelui" Then
bRegular = False
End If
If objProp.Name = "sflag" Then
bRegular = False
End If
If bRegular Then
Print #lFileNumber, objProp.Name & vbTab & objProp.Value
End If
Next Close #lFileNumber
MsgBox "导出完毕!"
End Sub
Sub UpdateCustom()
' UpdateCustom 宏
Dim strUpdateContent As String
Dim strNotFoundProperty As String Dim current As Object
Set current = ActiveDocument
Dim lFileNumber As Long
lFileNumber = FreeFile()
Open current.Path + "\Custom.txt" For Input As #lFileNumber ' 打开文件。
Dim TextLine As String
Dim tmpObj As Object
Dim iTabIndex As Integer
Do While Not EOF(lFileNumber) ' 循环至文件尾。
Line Input #lFileNumber, TextLine ' 读入一行数据并将其赋予某变量。 If Not (TextLine = "") Then iTabIndex = InStr(TextLine, vbTab)
If Not (iTabIndex = Or iTabIndex = Or iTabIndex = Len(TextLine)) Then Dim strName As String
Dim strValue As String strName = Mid(TextLine, , iTabIndex - )
Debug.Print strName ' 在调试窗口中显示数据。
strValue = Mid(TextLine, iTabIndex + )
Debug.Print strValue ' 在调试窗口中显示数据。 On Error Resume Next
Set tmpObj = Nothing
Set tmpObj = current.CustomDocumentProperties(strName)
On Error GoTo
If Not (tmpObj Is Nothing) Then
If (tmpObj.Type = msoPropertyTypeString And (Not (tmpObj.Value = strValue))) Then
strUpdateContent = strUpdateContent & vbCrLf & tmpObj.Name & vbTab & tmpObj.Value & "==>>" & strValue
tmpObj.Value = strValue
End If
strNotFoundProperty = strNotFoundProperty & vbCrLf & strName
End If
End If End If Loop Dim strMsg As String
If Not (strUpdateContent = "") Then
strMsg = strMsg & "Update content:" & strUpdateContent
End If If Not (strNotFoundProperty = "") Then
strMsg = strMsg & "Not found property:" & strNotFoundProperty
End If If (strMsg = "") Then
strMsg = "No Update"
End If MsgBox strMsg End Sub Sub SortCustom()
' SortCustom 宏
Dim current As Object
Set current = ActiveDocument
sFilePath = current.Path + "\Custom.txt"
Dim propertys() As Object
'Set propertys = current.CustomDocumentProperties
Dim iPropLen As Integer
iPropLen = current.CustomDocumentProperties.Count
Dim i As Integer
Dim iTmpPropLen As Integer
iTmpPropLen = iPropLen
Dim bFlag As Boolean
bFlag = True
Do While bFlag And iTmpPropLen >
bFlag = False
For i = To (iTmpPropLen - )
If current.CustomDocumentProperties(i).Name > current.CustomDocumentProperties(i + ).Name Then
bFlag = True Dim tmpProp1 As Object
Set tmpProp1 = current.CustomDocumentProperties(i)
Dim tmpProp2 As Object
Set tmpProp2 = current.CustomDocumentProperties(i + ) Dim tmpPropName As String
Dim tmpPropType As Integer
Dim tmpPropLinkToContent As Boolean
Dim tmpPropValue As String
tmpPropName = tmpProp1.Name
tmpPropType = tmpProp1.Type
tmpPropLinkToContent = tmpProp1.LinkToContent
tmpPropValue = tmpProp1.Value
tmpProp1.Name = "tmp"
tmpProp1.Type = msoPropertyTypeString
tmpProp1.LinkToContent = False
tmpProp1.Value = "tmp" Dim tmpPropName2 As String
Dim tmpPropType2 As Integer
Dim tmpPropLinkToContent2 As Boolean
Dim tmpPropValue2 As String
tmpPropName2 = tmpProp2.Name
tmpPropType2 = tmpProp2.Type
tmpPropLinkToContent2 = tmpProp2.LinkToContent
tmpPropValue2 = tmpProp2.Value
tmpProp2.Name = tmpPropName
tmpProp2.Type = tmpPropType
tmpProp2.LinkToContent = tmpPropLinkToContent
tmpProp2.Value = tmpPropValue tmpProp1.Name = tmpPropName2
tmpProp1.Type = tmpPropType2
tmpProp1.LinkToContent = tmpPropLinkToContent2
tmpProp1.Value = tmpPropValue2
End If
iTmpPropLen = iTmpPropLen -
Loop MsgBox "排序完毕!"
End Sub
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