PAT甲级练习 1087 All Roads Lead to Rome (30分) 字符串hash + dijkstra
- 1 #include<iostream>
- 2 #include<vector>
- 3 #include<stdio.h>
- 4 #include<string.h>
- 5 #include<cmath>
- 6 #include<string>
- 7 #include<algorithm>
- 8 #include<map>
- 9 using namespace std;
- 10
- 11 const int N = 3000;
- 12 const int M = 0x3f3f3f3f;
- 13 int mat[N][N];
- 14 int dist[N];
- 15 int vis[N];
- 16 int hap[N];
- 17 int get_hap[N]; //已知情况下到i点能获得的幸福值
- 18 int way[N]; //到达每个点有多少种走法
- 19 int num[N]; //到达i点需要走多少个点 第一个sta不算
- 20 vector<int> v[N];
- 21 int pre[N];
- 22 map<int, string> mp;
- 23 int n, m, min_dist, max_hap;
- 24
- 25 int trans(string s){
- 26 int len = s.size();
- 27 int sum = 0;
- 28 for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
- 29 sum = sum * 10 + s[i] - 'A';
- 30 }
- 31 return sum;
- 32 }
- 33
- 34 int minn(){
- 35 int Min = M;
- 36 int k = -1;
- 37 for(int i = 0; i < 3000; i++){
- 38 if(vis[i] == 0 && dist[i] < Min){
- 39 Min = dist[i];
- 40 k = i;
- 41 }
- 42 }
- 43 return k;
- 44 }
- 45
- 46 void out(int x){
- 47 if(pre[x] == -1){
- 48 cout<<mp[x];
- 49 return;
- 50 }else{
- 51 out(pre[x]);
- 52 cout<<"->"<<mp[x];
- 53 return;
- 54 }
- 55 }
- 56
- 57 void dijkstra(int st){
- 58 memset(dist, M, sizeof(dist));
- 59 for(int i = 0; i < v[st].size(); i++) dist[v[st][i]] = mat[st][v[st][i]];
- 60 dist[st] = 0; //保证自己先选自己
- 61 way[st] = 1; //到自己有一条路
- 62 pre[st] = -1;
- 63 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
- 64 int k = minn();
- 65 if(k == -1) break;
- 66 vis[k] = 1;
- 67 for(int j = 0; j < 3000; j++){
- 68 if(vis[j] == 0 && dist[k] + mat[k][j] < dist[j]){
- 69 dist[j] = dist[k] + mat[k][j];
- 70 get_hap[j] = hap[j] + get_hap[k];
- 71 pre[j] = k;
- 72 way[j] = way[k];
- 73 num[j] = num[k] + 1;
- 74 }else if(vis[j] == 0 && dist[k] + mat[k][j] == dist[j]){
- 75 way[j] = way[j] + way[k];
- 76 if(get_hap[k] + hap[j] > get_hap[j]){ //距离相同但是更快乐
- 77 get_hap[j] = get_hap[k] + hap[j];
- 78 pre[j] = k;
- 79 num[j] = num[k] + 1;
- 80 }else if(get_hap[k] + hap[j] == get_hap[j]){//距离相同且同样快乐则比较点的个数
- 81 if(num[k] + 1 < num[j]){ //点更少
- 82 pre[j] = k;
- 83 num[j] = num[k] + 1;
- 84 }
- 85 }
- 86 }
- 87 }
- 88 }
- 89 int en = trans("ROM");
- 90 printf("%d %d %d %d\n", way[en], dist[en], get_hap[en], get_hap[en]/num[en]);
- 91 out(en);
- 92 printf("\n");
- 93 }
- 94
- 95 int main(){
- 96 scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
- 97 string sta;
- 98 cin>>sta;
- 99 int st = trans(sta);
- 100 mp[st] = sta;
- 101 memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
- 102 memset(hap, 0, sizeof(hap));
- 103 memset(mat, M, sizeof(mat));
- 104 memset(num, 0, sizeof(num));
- 105 memset(get_hap, 0, sizeof(get_hap));
- 106 memset(way, 0, sizeof(way));
- 107 for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){
- 108 string s;
- 109 cin>>s;
- 110 int tt = trans(s);
- 111 mp[tt] = s;
- 112 int x;
- 113 scanf("%d", &x);
- 114 hap[tt] = x; //根据hash值锁定幸福值
- 115 }
- 116 for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
- 117 string s1, s2; int x;
- 118 cin>>s1>>s2; scanf("%d", &x);
- 119 int t1 = trans(s1);
- 120 int t2 = trans(s2);
- 121 v[t1].push_back(t2);
- 122 v[t2].push_back(t1);
- 123 mat[t1][t2] = x;
- 124 mat[t2][t1] = x;
- 125 }
- 126 dijkstra(st);
- 127 return 0;
- 128 }
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