1.Talk about your carreer plan
2.In ten years, what kind of people you will be? At that time,what are you doing?
3.Talk about Artificial Intelligence vs human being knowledge ,what do you think of alpha go of Google ?
4.Have you heard about VR and AR?
5.If given you the offer, you need to introduce yourself to collegues, what will you say?
6.Sometimes, a worker with a bachelor degree have a higher salary than the workers with Master degrees, what do you think about that?
7.Talk about your advantages and shortcomings ?
8.What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy most?which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?


[Career Plan]

At the beginning, application developer or server-end developer will be my prefer chioces. Due to my speciality may meet the requirement of these jobs.But I guess, there may appear some changes with my actual work. So, what i first to do is to accumulate my skill on my profession.

And Next, Senior Software developer or Network Software Developer will be my dream job.When my ability gets a promotion, I think I can get a job which require more and has a higher paid.

At least, for now, I want to get involved in the computer science filed and keep in this filed in ten years.Because i believe in techniques makes people's life more conviniet, more comfortable,  happier than before.Therefore, i will insist on working in computer science field.

Good Morning, interviewer.It is my great pleasure to have this interview.My name is GuoFei, now major Computer Science in Southeast University for a Master degree.I graduate from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and achieve a bachelor degree of Computer Science too.I come from Xi'an, a beautiful city have a long history, at this point, xi'an is similar with Nanjing.
In my spare time, I love reading, music,scientific films and traveling.Besides, running and fitness are also my favorite activities.  Running is supposed to be a effective method to relax myself and alleviate pressure.What's more, solving algorithm problems is an interesting term for me.If  I have fixed a difficult puzzle, it brings me a real sense of accomplishment .
I think I am a hardworking,responsible, and diligent student. I have passion with computer science, in the college, my grades of course are almost ninety points and got scholarship many times.Moreover,I have a outgoing personality and love to help others.
Shortcomings and advantages:
Compare with experienced worker, I deed lack of experience, but I learn new technique fast and I could make more efforts and spend more time to shorten the distance with them.In addition, I have seven years of academic background in Computer Science, I acquire the theoretical knowledge necessary for a software developer.
I really desire to join your company and make contributions for you.
[Ten Years]
After ten years, I may still work in Computer Science field.But I think at that time, I must have abudant experience , therefore what I need to do are some more difficult task rather than basic assignment. Besides, I will have a family so I need to spend part of time on company with them.
[Techique words]
Computer science:
编程:Code,program,software development
Requirement analysis
Preliminary design
Detailed design
Coding and Unit Testing
Software development document

PM:project manager
RD:Research and Development engineer
QA:quality Assurance
FE:Front end development
UE:User Experience
UI:Unser Interface

About Artificial Reality&Virtual Reality:

Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one.Hardware components for augmented reality are: processor, display, sensors and input devices. Modern mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers contain these elements which often include a camera and sensors such as accelerometer, GPS, and compass, making them suitable AR platforms.

Virtual realities ( VR) is a computer technology that uses software-generated realistic images, sounds and other sensations to replicate a real environment or an imaginary setting, and simulates a user's physical presence in this environment to enable the user to interact with this space.A person using virtual reality equipment is typically able to "look around" the artificial world, move about in it and interact with features or items that are depicted.There exist various kinds of VR headset which are sold, users could exploit this equipment to get a simulated world generated by VT techiques.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines.The field was founded on the claim that human intelligence "can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it."AI research is divided into subfields that focus on specific problems,the central problems (or goals) of AI research include deduction, knowledge representation,Automated planning, Machine learning, natural language processing (communication).

If you ask me :Will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?  I will answer you, no i don't. The computers require the humans to impute their data. They react to their programming, they don't just decide themselves, they do what is in their programming. No matter how AI develop, it is just a tool which is need to be use. If someone exploit this great tool can beat others, but tools itself can't beat anyone.


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