聚币 现货 API [Python2版]

一、utils.py,基础类,包括HTTP 请求、签名等

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import hmac
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import UUID
from objutil import dict_obj
# import requests

def http_get(url, data_wrap, encode=False):
    if encode is True:
        data_wrap = urllib.urlencode(data_wrap)
    req = urllib2.Request(url, data=data_wrap)
    resp = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    dic = json.loads(resp)
    return dict_obj(dic)

def get_signature(private_key, data):
    data_en = urllib.urlencode(data)
    md5_hash = getHash(private_key)
    msg = bytes(data_en).encode('utf-8')
    key = bytes(md5_hash).encode('utf-8')
    signature = hmac.new(key, msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
    last_warp = "%s&signature=%s" % (data_en, toHex(signature))
    return last_warp

def get_nonce_time():
    curr_stamp = time.time() * 100
    return str(long(curr_stamp))

def getHash(s):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    return m.hexdigest()

def toHex(str):
    lst = []
    for ch in str:
        hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
        if len(hv) == 1:
            hv = ' + hv
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lst)

def getUserData(cfg_file):
    f = open(cfg_file, 'r')
    account = {}
    for i in f.readlines():
        ctype, passwd = i.split('=')
        account[ctype.strip()] = passwd.strip()

    return account

class CJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, datetime):
            return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        elif isinstance(obj, UUID):
            return str(obj)
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def json_dumps(result):
    return json.dumps(result, cls=CJsonEncoder)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: wujiyu
# @Date:   2017-07-09 10:44:41
# @Last Modified by:   far
# @Last Modified time: 2017-07-25 09:28:12

from utils import *

BASE_API = "https://www.jubi.com/api/v1"

TICKER_API = "%s/ticker" % BASE_API
DEPTH_API = "%s/depth" % BASE_API
ORDERS_API = "%s/orders" % BASE_API
BALANCE_API = "%s/balance" % BASE_API
TRADLIST_API = "%s/trade_list" % BASE_API
TRADEVIEW_API = "%s/trade_view" % BASE_API
TRADECANCEL_API = "%s/trade_cancel" % BASE_API
TRADEADD_API = "%s/trade_add" % BASE_API

class JuBi(object):
    """docstring for JuBi"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(JuBi, self).__init__()
        cfg = getUserData('data.cfg')
        self.public_key = cfg['public_key']
        self.private_key = cfg['private_key']

    def get_ticker(self, coin):
        data_wrap = {'coin': coin}
        return http_get(TICKER_API, data_wrap, True)

    def get_depth(self, coin):
        data_wrap = {'coin': coin}
        return http_get(DEPTH_API, data_wrap, True)

    def get_orders(self, coin):
        data_wrap = {'coin': coin}
        return http_get(ORDERS_API, data_wrap, True)

    def get_balance(self):
        nonce = get_nonce_time()
        data_wrap = {'nonce': nonce,
                     'key': self.public_key}
        all_data = get_signature(self.private_key, data_wrap)
        return http_get(BALANCE_API, all_data)

    def get_trade_list(self, coin):
        #  open:正在挂单, all:所有挂单
        trade_type = "open"
        since = "
        nonce = get_nonce_time()
        data_wrap = {'nonce': nonce, 'type': trade_type, 'coin': coin, 'since': since,
                     'key': self.public_key}
        all_data = get_signature(self.private_key, data_wrap)
        return http_get(TRADLIST_API, all_data)

    def get_trade_view_list(self, coin, id):
        nonce = get_nonce_time()
        data_wrap = {'nonce': nonce, 'coin': coin,
                     'key': self.public_key, 'id': id}
        all_data = get_signature(self.private_key, data_wrap)
        return http_get(TRADEVIEW_API, all_data)

    def cancel(self, coin, id):
        nonce = get_nonce_time()
        data_wrap = {'nonce': nonce, 'coin': coin,
                     'key': self.public_key, 'id': id}
        all_data = get_signature(self.private_key, data_wrap)
        return http_get(TRADECANCEL_API, all_data)

    def trade_add(self, coin, amount, price, sell_type):
        nonce = get_nonce_time()
        data_wrap = {'nonce': nonce, 'coin': coin,
                     'key': self.public_key, 'amount': amount, "price": price, "type": sell_type}
        all_data = get_signature(self.private_key, data_wrap)
        return http_get(TRADEADD_API, all_data)

    def sell(self, coin, amount, price):
        return self.trade_add(coin, amount, price, "sell")

    def buy(self, coin, amount, price):
        return self.trade_add(coin, amount, price, "buy")

    def cancel_all(self, coin, sell_type="all"):
        lst = self.get_trade_list(coin)
        print("当前挂单!!!!!!!!!!:%s" % (lst))
        for item in lst:
            if sell_type == "all" or sell_type == item["type"]:
                self.cancel(coin, item["id"])
        print("当前挂单!!!!!!!!!!:%s" % (self.get_trade_list(coin)))
        return True

    def cancel_all_sell(self, coin):
        return self.cancel_all(coin, "sell")

    def cancel_all_buy(self, coin):
        return self.cancel_all(coin, "buy")


coin = "btc"
jubi = JuBi()
# print(jubi.get_depth(coin))
# print(jubi.get_orders(coin))
# print(jubi.get_balance())
# print(jubi.get_trade_list(coin))
# print(jubi.get_trade_view_list(coin, "1"))
# print(jubi.get_trade_cancel_list(coin, "1"))
# print(jubi.sell(coin, 10000, 0.001))
# print(jubi.buy(coin, 100, 0.2))
# print(jubi.get_trade_cancel_list(coin, "1"))
# print(jubi.cancel(coin, 940591))





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