
14. Longest Common Prefix

Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".

Example 1:

Input: ["flower","flow","flight"]
Output: "fl"

Example 2:

Input: ["dog","racecar","car"]
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.


All given inputs are in lowercase letters a-z.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2020/1/29 12:28
# @Author : SmartCat0929
# @Email : 1027699719@qq.com
# @Link : https://github.com/SmartCat0929
# @Site :
# @File : 14. Longest Common Prefix.py from typing import List class Solution:
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
d = len(strs)
minLength = 999999
for str in strs:
thisLength = len(str)
if thisLength < minLength:
minLength = thisLength
res = ""
if d > 0:
for i in range(minLength):
n = 0
r = strs[0][i]
for j in range(d):
if r == strs[j][i]:
n = n + 1
if n == d:
return res
res = res + r
return res
return res # print(Solution().longestCommonPrefix(["flower", "flow", "flight"]))

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