Stories (myths) may then grow up around a ritual. Frequently the myths include representatives of those supernatural forces that the rites celebrate or hope to influence. Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters or supernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations. As a person becomes more sophisticated, its conceptions of supernatural forces and causal relationships may change. As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites. But the myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group's oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites. When this occurs, the first step has been taken toward theater as an autonomous activity, and thereafter entertainment and aesthetic values may gradually replace the former mystical and socially efficacious concerns.

conceptions :思想

accompanying :伴随的


Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters or supernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations. As a person becomes more sophisticated, its conceptions of supernatural forces and causal relationships may change. As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites.

its中的it代指?A person


逻辑:As a person becomes more sophisticated,performers conception may change.

According to paragraph 2, what may cause societies to abandon certain rites?

A. Emphasizing theater as entertainment--错,未提及theater

B. Developing a new understanding of why events occur

C. Finding a more sophisticated way of representing mythical characters---错,不是way become more sophisticated而是person become more sophisticated

D. Moving from a primarily oral tradition to a more written tradition---错,未提及oral tradition 与 written


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