Sparc的原理,Sparc V8 汇编指令、寄存器窗口、堆栈、函数调用
In this part we will look into a special memory region of the process called the Stack. This chapter covers Stack’s purpose and operations related to it. Additionally, we will go through the implementation, types and differences of functions in ARM.
Generally speaking, the Stack is a memory region within the program/process. This part of the memory gets allocated when a process is created. We use Stack for storing temporary data such as local variables of some function, environment variables which helps us to transition between the functions, etc. We interact with the stack using PUSH and POP instructions. As explained in Part 4: Memory Instructions: Load And Store PUSH and POP are aliases to some other memory related instructions rather than real instructions, but we use PUSH and POP for simplicity reasons.
Before we look into a practical example it is import for us to know that the Stack can be implemented in various ways. First, when we say that Stack grows, we mean that an item (32 bits of data) is put on to the Stack. The stack can grow UP (when the stack is implemented in a Descending fashion) or DOWN (when the stack is implemented in a Ascending fashion). The actual location where the next (32 bit) piece of information will be put is defined by the Stack Pointer, or to be precise, the memory address stored in the SP register. Here again, the address could be pointing to the current (last) item in the stack or the next available memory slot for the item. If the SP is currently pointing to the last item in the stack (Full stack implementation) the SP will be decreased (in case of Descending Stack) or increased (in case of Ascending Stack) and only then the item will placed in the Stack. If the SP is currently pointing to the next empty slot in the Stack, the data will be first placed and only then the SP will be decreased (Descending Stack) or increased (Ascending Stack).
In our examples we will use the Full descending Stack. Let’s take a quick look into a simple exercise which deals with such a Stack and it’s Stack Pointer.
按照堆栈的生长方向和堆栈指针SP指向的位置,堆栈可以分为4种。例子中使用Full descending Stack,即上图第二种,堆栈向低地址生长,SP指向最后一个数据。
We will see that functions take advantage of Stack for saving local variables, preserving register state, etc. To keep everything organized, functions use Stack Frames, a localized memory portion within the stack which is dedicated for a specific function. A stack frame gets created in the prologue (more about this in the next section) of a function. The Frame Pointer (FP) is set to the bottom of the stack frame and then stack buffer for the Stack Frame is allocated. The stack frame (starting from it’s bottom) generally contains the return address (previous LR), previous Frame Pointer, any registers that need to be preserved, function parameters (in case the function accepts more than 4), local variables, etc. While the actual contents of the Stack Frame may vary, the ones outlined before are the most common. Finally, the Stack Frame gets destroyed during the epilogue of a function.
为了使堆栈使用有组织、有条理,函数使用栈帧stack frame,栈帧是专用于某个函数的堆栈的一部分内存区域。整个进程或任务的叫堆栈,某个函数的叫栈帧。
/* azeria@labs:~$ gcc func.c -o func && gdb func */
int main()
int res = ;
int a = ;
int b = ;
res = max(a, b);
return res;
} int max(int a,int b)
return b;
return a;
int do_nothing()
return ;
We can see in the picture above that currently we are about to leave the function max (see the arrow in the disassembly at the bottom). At this state, the FP (R11) points to 0xbefff254 which is the bottom of our Stack Frame. This address on the Stack (green addresses) stores 0x00010418 which is the return address (previous LR). 4 bytes above this (at 0xbefff250) we have a value 0xbefff26c, which is the address of a previous Frame Pointer. The 0x1 and 0x2 at addresses 0xbefff24c and 0xbefff248 are local variables(其实是输入参数) which were used during the execution of the function max. So the Stack Frame which we just analyzed had only LR, FP and two local variables.
push {r11, lr}, 在该句之前$sp=0xbefff258,在该句之后,$sp=0xbefff250
add r11, sp, #4 r11=0xbefff254,即fp
sub sp, sp, #8 之前,已经用了2个单元的堆栈,还需要两个单元用于存储max的输入参数,因此,将sp=sp-8=0xbefff248
str r0, [r11, #-8] 将输入参数1(放在r0传递进来的)放在max的栈帧中
str r0, [r11, #-12] 将输入参数2(放在r1传递进来的)放在max的栈帧中
sub sp, r11, #4 将r11减去4赋值给sp(应该是+4啊?),即在max结束处,将sp复原为main的栈帧,sp=0xbefff258
pop {r11, pc} 将max第一句存的lr赋值给pc,将fp恢复回来
To understand functions in ARM we first need to get familiar with the structural parts of a function, which are:
- Prologue,起始,序曲
- Body
- Epilogue,结束,尾声
The purpose of the prologue is to save the previous state of the program (by storing values of LR and R11 onto the Stack) and set up the Stack for the local variables of the function. While the implementation of the prologue may differ depending on a compiler that was used, generally this is done by using PUSH/ADD/SUB instructions. An example of a prologue would look like this:
push {r11, lr} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer and LR onto the stack */
add r11, sp, # /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */
sub sp, sp, # /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack. This also allocates space for the Stack Frame */
The body part of the function is usually responsible for some kind of unique and specific task. This part of the function may contain various instructions, branches (jumps) to other functions, etc. An example of a body section of a function can be as simple as the following few instructions:
mov r0, # /* setting up local variables (a=1). This also serves as setting up the first parameter for the function max */
mov r1, # /* setting up local variables (b=2). This also serves as setting up the second parameter for the function max */
bl max /* Calling/branching to function max */
The sample code above shows a snippet of a function which sets up local variables and then branches to another function. This piece of code also shows us that the parameters of a function (in this case function max) are passed via registers. In some cases, when there are more than 4 parameters to be passed, we would additionally use the Stack to store the remaining parameters. It is also worth mentioning, that a result of a function is returned via the register R0. So what ever the result of a function (max) turns out to be, we should be able to pick it up from the register R0 right after the return from the function. One more thing to point out is that in certain situations the result might be 64 bits in length (exceeds the size of a 32bit register). In that case we can use R0 combined with R1 to return a 64 bit result.
The last part of the function, the epilogue, is used to restore the program’s state to it’s initial one (before the function call) so that it can continue from where it left of. For that we need to readjust the Stack Pointer. This is done by using the Frame Pointer register (R11) as a reference and performing add or sub operation. Once we readjust the Stack Pointer, we restore the previously (in prologue) saved register values by poping them from the Stack into respective registers. Depending on the function type, the POP instruction might be the final instruction of the epilogue. However, it might be that after restoring the register values we use BX instruction for leaving the function. An example of an epilogue looks like this:
sub sp, r11, # /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */
pop {r11, pc} /* End of the epilogue. Restoring Frame Pointer from the Stack, jumping to previously saved LR via direct load into PC. The Stack Frame of a function is finally destroyed at this step. */
So now we know, that:
- Prologue sets up the environment for the function;
- Body implements the function’s logic and stores result to R0;
- Epilogue restores the state so that the program can resume from where it left of before calling the function.
Another key point to know about the functions is their types: leaf and non-leaf. The leaf function is a kind of a function which does not call/branch to another function from itself. A non-leaf function is a kind of a function which in addition to it’s own logic’s does call/branch to another function. The implementation of these two kind of functions are similar. However, they have some differences. To analyze the differences of these functions we will use the following piece of code:
/* azeria@labs:~$ as func.s -o func.o && gcc func.o -o func && gdb func */
.global main main:
push {r11, lr} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer and LR onto the stack */
add r11, sp, # /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */
sub sp, sp, # /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */
mov r0, # /* setting up local variables (a=1). This also serves as setting up the first parameter for the max function */
mov r1, # /* setting up local variables (b=2). This also serves as setting up the second parameter for the max function */
bl max /* Calling/branching to function max */
sub sp, r11, # /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */
pop {r11, pc} /* End of the epilogue. Restoring Frame pointer from the stack, jumping to previously saved LR via direct load into PC */ max:
push {r11} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer onto the stack */
add r11, sp, # /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */
sub sp, sp, # /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */
cmp r0, r1 /* Implementation of if(a<b) */
movlt r0, r1 /* if r0 was lower than r1, store r1 into r0 */
add sp, r11, # /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */
pop {r11} /* restoring frame pointer */
bx lr /* End of the epilogue. Jumping back to main via LR register */
The example above contains two functions: main, which is a non-leaf function, and max – a leaf function. As mentioned before, the non-leaf function calls/branches to another function, which is true in our case, because we branch to a function max from the function main. The function max in this case does not branch to another function within it’s body part, which makes it a leaf function.
Another key difference is the way the prologues and epilogues are implemented. The following example shows a comparison of prologues of a non-leaf and leaf functions. The main difference here is that the entry of the prologue in the non-leaf function saves more register’s onto the stack. The reason behind this is that by the nature of the non-leaf function, the LR gets modified during the execution of such a function and therefore the value of this register needs to be preserved so that it can be restored later. Generally, the prologue could save even more registers if it’s necessary.
/* A prologue of a non-leaf function */
push {r11, lr} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer and LR onto the stack */
add r11, sp, # /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */
sub sp, sp, # /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */ /* A prologue of a leaf function */
push {r11} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer onto the stack */
add r11, sp, # /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */
sub sp, sp, # /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */
The comparison of the epilogues of the leaf and non-leaf functions, which we see below, shows us that the program’s flow is controlled in different ways: by branching to an address stored in the LR register in the leaf function’s case and by direct POP to PC register in the non-leaf function.
函数结束:对于叶子函数,可以直接bx lr,跳转到LR处继续执行,因为,LR未改变。BX的意思为Branch and eXchange ARM/Thumb模式。
/* An epilogue of a leaf function */
add sp, r11, # /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */
pop {r11} /* restoring frame pointer */
bx lr /* End of the epilogue. Jumping back to main via LR register */ /* An epilogue of a non-leaf function */
sub sp, r11, # /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */
pop {r11, pc} /* End of the epilogue. Restoring Frame pointer from the stack, jumping to previously saved LR via direct load into PC */
Finally, it is important to understand the use of BL and BX instructions here. In our example, we branched to a leaf function by using a BL instruction. We use the the label of a function as a parameter to initiate branching. During the compilation process, the label gets replaced with a memory address. Before jumping to that location, the address of the next instruction is saved (linked) to the LR register so that we can return back to where we left off when the function max is finished.
The BX instruction, which is used to leave the leaf function, takes LR register as a parameter. As mentioned earlier, before jumping to function max the BL instruction saved the address of the next instruction of the function main into the LR register. Due to the fact that the leaf function is not supposed to change the value of the LR register during it’s execution, this register can be now used to return to the parent (main) function. As explained in the previous chapter, the BX instruction can eXchange between the ARM/Thumb modes during branching operation. In this case, it is done by inspecting the last bit of the LR register: if the bit is set to 1, the CPU will change (or keep) the mode to thumb, if it’s set to 0, the mode will be changed (or kept) to ARM. This is a nice design feature which allows to call functions from different modes.
BX LR指令中LR寄存器的最后1bit还可以用于切换ARM和Thumb模式。
之前整理的Sparc的原理,Sparc V8 汇编指令、寄存器窗口、堆栈、函数调用,
ARM跳转有BL指令,Branch Link(Saves (PC+4) in LR and jumps to function),即首先将跳转指令的下一条指令地址保存在LR寄存器中,以便调用函数返回时能找到返回地址,然后执行跳转。
如果是leaf函数,在调用函数起始,则只会将r11=fp压入堆栈,在结束时,则弹出给r11,同时跳转到LR,bx lr。
对于Sparc处理器,在执行call label时,会将PC拷贝到o7(r15,address of call instruction),call指令本身叫call and link,其中link与ARM中BL的link是一个意思,即保存一个调用函数的链接。不同的是ARM保存的是跳转指令的下一条指令地址,Sparc保存的是跳转指令地址,这没关系,对于Sparc来说,只需在返回的时候+4即可得到下一条要执行的地址,即返回的地址。
关于函数调用时的frame pointer,fp保存
(1)将fp和lr压入堆栈push {r11, lr},
(2)让fp=sp,add r11, sp, #0,
(3)sp减去栈帧长度,sub sp, sp, #16。
对于Sparc,fp=i6,sp=o6。在调用callee函数中,执行save %sp, -1024, %sp时,寄存器窗口会旋转,从而做了
调用函数的起始:要保存返回地址和栈帧(通过保存fp),同时更新栈帧。arm将r11,fp压入堆栈,sub sp;sparc用save旋转寄存器将o7和fp保存起来,同时sub sp。
调用函数的结束:跳转到返回地址,同时恢复栈帧。arm令sp=r11,出栈r11和LR到r11和pc;sparc用ret返回(jmpl o7+8),同时用restore旋转寄存器恢复sp=fp。
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