

class Solution:
def countAndSay(self, n: int) -> str:
# 第一个值直接赋予
pre_num = ""
for i in range(1,n):
# 用next_num 记录当前序列,num为前一个序列的第一个值
for j in range(1,len(pre_num)):
# 如果num和前一个序列的下一个值相等,则将count +1
if num==pre_num[j]:
# 如果不等,将当前count +num 写入next_num,并将count置为1,
# num取 当前pre_num的值
next_num += str(count) + num
count =1
num =pre_num[j]
next_num += str(count) + num
pre_num = next_num
return pre_num


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