常见的coupled models

RegCM4: Regional Climate Model version 4
GATOR-GCMOM: the Gas, Aerosol, Transport, Radiation, General-Circulation, Mesoscale, and Ocean Model
WRF/Chem: Weather Research and Forcasting/Chemistry
CAM3: the Community Atmosphere Model version 3
MIRAGE: the Model for Integrated Research on Atmospheric Global Exchanges modeling
Caltech unified GCM: Caltech unified Global Circulation Models
WRF-CMAQ: Weather Research Forcasting/ Community Multiscale Air Quality
CHIMERE: http://www.lmd.polytechnique.fr/chimere/docs/


sea spray aerosol
meteorologically stagnant weather

English paper


Impacts of aerosol on seasonal precipitation and snowpack in California based on convection-permitting WRF-Chem simulations

play a dominant role in
play difference roles in
play a significant role in
play a crucial role in
play a critical role in
play an important role in
snowmelt snowpath snowflake

effects of aerosol-radiation feedback and topography during an air pollution event over the North China Plain December 2017

stable meteorological conditons
stagnant weather conditons
more intense temperature inversion
topographic effects

Two-way coupled meteorology and air quality modeling

off-line (sequential WRF and CMAQ simulation)
online coupled

modeling the meteorological and chemical effects of secondary organic aerosols during an EUCAARI campaign

A volatility basis set (VBS): 挥发性分级法
semi-volatile organic compounds

coupling aerosol-cloud-radiative processes in the WRF-Chem model: Investigating the radiative impact of elevated point sources

elevated [ˈɛləˌvetɪd] point sources 高架点源
elevation [ˌɛləˈveʃən]

A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe

Eighteen operational chemical weather forecasting models on regional and continental scales in Europe are described and compared in this article

Regional scale effects of the aerosol cloud interaction simulated with an online coupled comprehensive chemisty model

Can a coupled meteorology-chemistry model reproduce the historical trend in aerosol direct radiative effects over the Northern Hemisphere

Investigation of direct radiative effects of aerosols in dust storm season over East Asia with an online coupled regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model

A new online coupled regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model(RIEMS-Chemaero)

Integrated modeling for forecasting weather and air quality a call for fully coupled approaches

Using optimal interpolation to assimilate surface measurements and satellite AOD for ozone and PM2.5 : A case study for July 2011


如何设置direct 和 indirect
RRTM(Stand-Alone Model)/RRTMG(GCMs Applications) global climate models/General Circulation Models
Mozart speciate:https://www.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem/ConversionMozartWRFChem.pdf
wrfchem forum:https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem/discussion-forum
chem_opt = 1 includes chemistry using the RADM2 chemical mechanism - no aerosols
chem_opt = 2 includes chemistry using the RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM aerosols.
chem_opt = 11 RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE(M 大专栏  Coupled modelodal Aerosol Dynamics Model )/SORGAM (secondary organic aerosol model) aerosols including some aqueous reactions Due to errors, dust_opt=2, seas_opt=2 has been disabled.
dust_opt = 0 no GOCART dust emissions included
dust_opt = 1 include GOCART dust emissions - need to provide fractional erosion map data
dust_opt = 2 Disabled due to errors in the scheme.
dust_opt = 3 Include GOCART dust emissions with AFWA modifications
dust_opt = 4 Include GOCART dust emissions with UOC modifications, set dust_schme option as well.
dust_schme = 1 Dust emissions following Shao 2001, requires dust_opt=4.
dust_schme = 2 Dust emissions following Shao 2004, requires dust_opt=4.
dust_schme = 3 Dust emissions following Shao 2011, requires dust_opt=4. dustwd_onoff = 0 Dust wet deposition following Jung 2004 turned off.
dustwd_onoff = 1 Dust wet deposition following Jung 2004 turned on, requires dust_opt=4. chem_opt = 41 RADM2/SORGAM with aqueous reactions included.
chem_opt = 42 RACM/SORGAM with aqueous reactions included (KPP) Includes less complex aqueous reactions following CMAQ methodology, SO4 and NO3 wet deposition
chem_opt = 101 RADM2 Chemistry using KPP library Includes less complex aqueous reactions following CMAQ methodology
chem_opt = 106 RADM2 Chemistry and MADE/SORGAM aerosols using KPP library Rosenbrock solver, can use larger time step excise
https://sites.google.com/site/dustclimate/models/wrf/wrf-chem-exercise all namelist
https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/wrf_tutorial_exercises_v35/exercise_2.html auxinput_5 -> Anthropogenic emissions
auxinput_6 -> Biogenic emissions (BEIS, MEGAN)
auxinput_7 -> Surface biomass burning fields
auxinput_8 -> GOCART background fields
auxinput_12 -> Chemistry initial fields
auxinput_13 -> Volcanic ash emissions
auxinput_14 -> Aircraft emissions
auxinput_15 -> Green House Gas emissions auxinput6_inname = 'wrfbiochemi_d01',
auxinput7_inname = 'wrffirechemi_d<domain>',
auxinput8_inname = 'wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d<domain>',
auxinput12_inname = 'wrf_chem_input',
auxinput13_inname = 'wrfchemv_d<domain>',
auxinput5_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 60,
auxinput7_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 60,
auxinput8_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 60,
auxinput13_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 60,
io_form_auxinput2 = 2,
io_form_auxinput5 = 2,
io_form_auxinput6 = 0,
io_form_auxinput7 = 0,
io_form_auxinput8 = 0,
io_form_auxinput12 = 0,
io_form_auxinput13 = 0, WRF框架结构
http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/software_2.0/index.html fire emission
https://www.openwfm.org/wiki/Coupling_with_WRF-Chem WRF
https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/releases wrfchem namelist
https://wiki.canterbury.ac.nz/display/UCHPC/WRFCHEM+Namelist+Options diagnostics
http://www.xn--llusfb-5va.cat/python/PyNCplot/ 问题Could not find matching time in input file 快速增减变量
http://forum.wrfforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3293 cloud water path (g/m2)如何计算
http://foehn.colorado.edu/wrfout_to_cf/usage.html http://docs.software.ucar.edu/vapor/Documentation/2.4.0/doc/pydoc/html/da/d92/vapor__wrf_8py_source.html
https://github.com/jcmt/WRFTools/blob/master/wrftools/WRFTools.py 云厚
goddard 和 cam radiation可以计算
https://www.jianshu.com/p/62793047a76f 云水含量
https://wenku.baidu.com/view/dcb52f86aef8941ea66e0537.html AOD计算
https://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/wrf-chem/wrf_tutorial_exercises_v35/exercise_2.html wrfpost


RADM2(Regional Acid Deposition Model 2): WRF-Chem simulations of aerosols and anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing in East Asia

public data

global emission: https://eccad3.sedoo.fr/








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