Dynamics CRM 2013 installation
一 硬件要求
1. CRM Server
下表对硬件的要求是假定Microsoft SQL Server,Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange Server安装在其他服务器上的。
Component | *Minimum | *Recommended |
Processor | x64 architecture or compatible dual-core 1.5GHz processor | Quad-core x64 architecture 2GHz CPU or higher such as AMD Opteron or Intel Xeon systems |
Memory | 2-GB RAM | 8-GB RAM or more |
Hard disk | 10 GB of available hard disk space | 40 GB or more of available hard disk space |
Note Computers with more than 16GB of RAM will require more disk space for paging, hibernation, and dump files |
Note Computers with more than 16GB of RAM will require more disk space for paging, hibernation, and dump files |
2. SQL Server
CRM 2013 on-premises需要安装Microsoft SQL Server database engine和Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services。下表中对硬件的要求是假定Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, SharePoint和Microsoft Exchange Server是安装在其他服务器上的。
Component | *Minimum | *Recommended |
Processor | x64 architecture or compatible dual-core 1.5GHz processor | Quad-core x64 architecture 2 GHz CPU or higher such as AMD Opteron or Intel Xeon systems |
Memory | 4-GB RAM | 16-GB RAM or more |
Hard disk | SAS RAID 5 or RAID 10 hard disk array | SAS RAID 5 or RAID 10 hard disk array |
二 软件要求
- Microsoft Windows server
- A Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory infrastructure
- An Internet Information Services (IIS) website
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or Microsoft SQL Server 2012
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
- Microsoft Exchange Server or access to a POP3-compliant email server (optional)
- SharePoint Server (required for document management)
- Claims-based security token service (required for Internet-facing deployments)
- Windows operating system when you use CRM for Outlook. Apple Mac, when using Apple Safari, supported tablet, or mobile device
- Supported web browser, such as later versions of Internet Explorer or the latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Office Outlook (optional)
具体参见Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Planning Guide
三 安装过程
依次需要安装Windows Server,
1. 安装Windows Server, 我装的是Windows Server 2012 Standard
- Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
- Windows Server 2012 Standard
- Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2(x64 versions) or Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 SP1
- Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP2(x64 versions) or Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2 SP1
- Windows Server 2008 Datacenter SP2(x64 versions) or Windows Server 2008 Datacenter R2 SP1
- Windows Web Server 2008 SP2(x64 versions) or Windows Web Server 2008 R2 SP1
2. 安装AD
a Add roles on the server
b. Select the role Active Directory Domain Services
c. 然后开始安装
d. 安装好后,将服务器升级为域控制器 – Promote this server to a domain controller
e. 创建一个新的forest
f. 创建好新的forest之后,服务器需要重启。然后我们创建一个新的OU,用来安装CRM
3. 安装IIS
2013支持的IIS版本包括7, 7.5,和8.0
a. 填加新服务器角色Web Server (IIS)
b. Select Role Services: HTTP Redirection, Windows Authentication, ASP.NET 4.5
c. 装好以后用IE打开http://localhost 来检验一下IIS是否安装成功。如果看到像下面这样,就表示成功了。
4. 安装SQL Server
SQL Server支持的版本有:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Enterprise, 64-bit SP1
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Business Intelligence, 64-bit SP1
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Standard, 64-bit SP1
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Standard Edition, x64 SP3 or R2 SP2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Enterprise Edition, x64 SP3 or R2 SP2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Datacenter x64 SP3 or R2 SP2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Developer x64 SP3 or R2 SP2 (for non-production environments only)
a. 先安装一下.NET 3.5
b. 安装 New SQL Server stand-alone installation
c. 选择功能:Database Engine Services, Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search, Reporting Services – Native, Management Tools – Basic, Management Tools – Complete
d. service account
e. 装好SQL Server以后,试一下打开http://localhost/reportserver,如果可以打开表示report service已经装好。下面准备装CRM了
5. 安装CRM
a. install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
b. specify Server Roles
c. select the OU you just created
d. Specify Service Accounts
e. Specify the Organization Settings
f. does some system checks, and then starts the installation
g.安装Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions
f. 你或许会碰到下面的错误
g. 解决的办法是open Reporting Services Configuration Manager and update the Service Account to something else such as “Local System”.
h. 打开url http://localhost/crmdev,就可以开始使用CRM 2013了
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