/* 程序名:drawing..c
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUMBER 100
#define DELAY 5
char wndname[] = "Drawing Demo"; CvScalar random_color(CvRNG* rng)
int icolor = cvRandInt(rng);
return CV_RGB(icolor&255, (icolor>>8)&255, (icolor>>16)&255);
} int main( int argc, char** argv )
int line_type = CV_AA; // change it to 8 to see non-antialiased graphics
int i;
CvPoint pt1,pt2;
double angle;
CvSize sz;
CvPoint ptt[6];
CvPoint* pt[2];
int arr[2];
CvFont font;
CvRNG rng;
int width = 1000, height = 700;
int width3 = width*3, height3 = height*3;
CvSize text_size;
int ymin = 0;
// Load the source image
IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 );
IplImage* image2; // Create a window
cvNamedWindow(wndname, 1 );
cvZero( image );
cvShowImage(wndname,image); rng = cvRNG((unsigned)-1);
pt[0] = &(ptt[0]);
pt[1] = &(ptt[3]); arr[0] = 3;
arr[1] = 3; for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt1.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt1.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt2.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt2.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvLine( image, pt1, pt2, random_color(&rng), cvRandInt(&rng)%10, line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt1.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt1.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt2.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt2.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvRectangle( image,pt1, pt2, random_color(&rng), cvRandInt(&rng)%10-1, line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt1.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt1.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
sz.width =cvRandInt(&rng)%200;
angle = (cvRandInt(&rng)%1000)*0.180; cvEllipse( image, pt1, sz, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200,
random_color(&rng), cvRandInt(&rng)%10-1, line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt[0][0].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][0].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[0][1].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][1].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[0][2].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][2].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][0].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][0].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][1].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][1].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][2].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][2].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvPolyLine( image, pt, arr, 2, 1, random_color(&rng), cvRandInt(&rng)%10, line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt[0][0].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][0].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[0][1].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][1].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[0][2].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[0][2].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][0].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][0].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][1].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][1].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height;
pt[1][2].x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt[1][2].y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvFillPoly( image, pt, arr, 2, random_color(&rng), line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt1.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt1.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvCircle( image, pt1, cvRandInt(&rng)%300, random_color(&rng),
cvRandInt(&rng)%10-1, line_type, 0 );
} for (i = 1; i< NUMBER; i++)
pt1.x=cvRandInt(&rng) % width3 - width;
pt1.y=cvRandInt(&rng) % height3 - height; cvInitFont( &font, cvRandInt(&rng) % 8,
(cvRandInt(&rng)%5)*0.1, cvRound(cvRandInt(&rng)%10),
line_type ); cvPutText( image, "Testing text rendering!", pt1, &font, random_color(&rng));
} cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, 3, 0.0, 5, line_type ); cvGetTextSize( "OpenCV forever!", &font, &text_size, &ymin ); pt1.x = (width - text_size.width)/2;
pt1.y = (height + text_size.height)/2;
image2 = cvCloneImage(image); for( i = 0; i < 255; i++ )
cvSubS( image2, cvScalarAll(i), image, 0 );
cvPutText( image, "OpenCV forever!", pt1, &font, CV_RGB(255,i,i));
} // Wait for a key stroke; the same function arranges events processing
cvDestroyWindow(wndname); return 0;
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