微软四十周年 Microsoft’s 40th anniversary
Tomorrow is a special day: Microsoft’s 40th anniversary.
在很早的时候,保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)和我制定了目标,即让每张办公桌和每个家庭都拥有一台计算机。这是一个大胆的设想,当时许多人认为,这样的目标不可能完成,而我们一定是疯了。现在想一想自那时以来计算技术的发展,这非常有趣。而对于微软在这场革命中扮演的角色,我们都感到自豪。
Early on, Paul Allen and I set the goal of a computer on every desk and in every home. It was a bold idea and a lot of people thought we were out of our minds to imagine it was possible. It is amazing to think about how far computing has come since then, and we can all be proud of the role Microsoft played in that revolution.
Today though, I am thinking much more about Microsoft’s future than its past. I believe computing will evolve faster in the next 10 years than it ever has before. We already live in a multi-platform world, and computing will become even more pervasive. We are nearing the point where computers and robots will be able to see, move, and interact naturally, unlocking many new applications and empowering people even more.
在萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)的领导下,微软正处于更好的地位,从而领导这些发展。我们拥有资源和动力去解决困难的问题。我们参与了当代计算技术的每个方面,并深深专注于这一行业的研究工作。作为纳德拉的技术顾问,我会参加产品评估,并被我所看到的眼光和才能所折服。通过Cortana语音助手、Skype Translator翻译工具,以及HoloLens虚拟现实设备,我们的成绩已经得到了证明,而这些只是正在进行的许多创新中的很少一部分。
Under Satya’s leadership, Microsoft is better positioned than ever to lead these advances. We have the resources and drive to solve tough problems. We are engaged in every facet of modern computing and have the deepest commitment to research in the industry. In my role as technical advisor to Satya, I get to join product reviews and am impressed by the vision and talent I see. The result is evident in products like Cortana, Skype Translator, and HoloLens—and those are just a few of the many innovations that are on the way.
In the coming years, Microsoft has the opportunity to reach even more people and organizations around the world. Technology is still out of reach for many people, because it is complex or expensive, or they simply do not have access. So I hope you will think about what you can do to make the power of technology accessible to everyone, to connect people to each other, and make personal computing available everywhere even as the very notion of what a PC delivers makes its way into all devices.
We have accomplished a lot together during our first 40 years and empowered countless businesses and people to realize their full potential. But what matters most now is what we do next. Thank you for helping make Microsoft a fantastic company now and for decades to come.
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