What is FD.io VPP?

  1. FD.io VPP(Fast Data Input/Output Vector Packet Processing)is a new network multi-tool.
  2. Feature:Fast, Scalable and Determinisic,Extensible and Flexible modular design,Developer friendly.
  3. New Directions:Asymmectrical Pipelines. Containers. TCP Acceleration. Accelerators.
  4. Summary:FD.io VPP is a multi-vendor packet processing technologies that is leading the network transformation. FD.io VPP is a fast and easy-to-use tools.

What the FD.io VPP can do?

中兴:Build the network infrastructure for MEC(multi-access edge computing) and IOT(物联网), based on FD.io /VPP

  1. Problem:Higher requirement for high bandwidth, ultra-low latency. The load of core network is further aggravated.
  2. case1:MEC Traffic Offloading Locally
    case2:IoT Gateway
  3. Contributions for VPP:ARP module,IP fragment packet pseudo reassembly improvement
    NAT ip fragment & icmp fragment packet pseudo reassembly support
    LB static scheduling algorithm (rr,wrr,hash)supplement;LB service health check support


  1. Background:TCP protocol found as the perfomance killer
  2. Requirement:
  • Kernel space or User space?
  • Apps have different flavours?
  • hardware is not all the same
    DMM Protocol Framework: Dual mode, Multiple protocols & Multiple instances, aim to provide a new solution of diverse protocol stacks for developers.-Support Kernel Space and User Space-Simplify new protocol adoptions and Integrations-Enable “protocol routing” in Cloud Networking-
  1. DMM Protocol Framework deal a lot of problem so we can concentrate on develop.
  2. User Case for DMM
  • Traditional TCP has limited bandwidth usage in the WAN, because:
  • TCP Congestion Control will limit delivery rate
  • Packet Loss and Resend will decrease throughput.
    Optimized TCP stack in DMM can achieve 90% bandwidth usage and low latency, easy to deploy
    Optimized TCP stack in DMM can support mass concurrent connections and achieve smooth user experience even 12% packet loss rate.
  1. Stack developers can concentrate on user space protocol innovations;
    Apps can dynamically choose different protocols.
    Support both kernel TCP/IP stack and user space stack;
    Container network will easily build E2E communication capacities.
  2. huawei 罗素:支撑管道纵深(使能运营商,不可替代),云和IT,消费者终端和行业数字化


  1. Hyperscan is a regular expression matching library。Regular expression is used to do string operation, or to search and replace some pattern. Hyperscan is used to optimize performance.
  2. Dimensions of Performance Optimize:Sreaming and non-streaming performance.
    Small writes.
    High match rates.
    Scaling to multiple cores/threads.(linear).
    Pattern compile time (<1s or <10s)
    Optimize size。
  3. Three tools : Hsbench-hyperscan性能测试 Hscheck-版本兼容性 Hscollider-传统匹配库兼容性
  4. Summary:Solid and mature. Delivers substantial speedups to open source IPS/IDS systems.
    (An Optimization can have many dimensions,and can bring some tools to be better used.)

京东:use DPDK to do LB


  1. 关注点一:三层解耦,编排,控制,网元,虚拟化层能异厂家对接
  2. 关注点二: NFV的转发性能,低时延,高性能,和硬件转发相比
  3. 优化手段:
  • 无锁队列
  • 大页表—减少TLBmiss
  • 内存零拷贝
  • CPU编译指令优化
  • PMD调度模型
  1. 限制:只支持用户态,不提供用户态协议栈,需要厂家自行开发
  2. 优化:转发性能显著提升,单核性能可以翻倍

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