问题原因:console.log 原先是 Firefox 的“专利”,严格说是安装了 Firebugs 之后的 Firefox 所独有的调试“绝招”。 这一招,IE8 学会了,不过用起来比 Firebugs 麻烦,只有在开启调试窗口(F12)的时候,console.log 才能出结果,不然就报错。
1:Complete cross-browser console.log(),兼容几乎所有浏览器的代码
- / Tell IE9 to use its built-in console
- if (Function.prototype.bind && console && typeof console.log == "object") {
- ["log","info","warn","error","assert","dir","clear","profile","profileEnd"]
- .forEach(function (method) {
- console[method] =[method], console);
- }, Function.prototype.bind);
- }
- // log() -- The complete, cross-browser (we don't judge!) console.log wrapper for his or her logging pleasure
- if (!window.log) {
- window.log = function () {
- log.history = log.history || []; // store logs to an array for reference
- log.history.push(arguments);
- // Modern browsers
- if (typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log == 'function') {
- // Opera 11
- if (window.opera) {
- var i = 0;
- while (i < arguments.length) {
- console.log("Item " + (i+1) + ": " + arguments[i]);
- i++;
- }
- }
- // All other modern browsers
- else if (( == 1 && typeof[0] == 'string') {
- console.log( ( );
- }
- else {
- console.log( );
- }
- }
- // IE8
- else if (!Function.prototype.bind && typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log == 'object') {
-, console,;
- }
- // IE7 and lower, and other old browsers
- else {
- // Inject Firebug lite
- if (!document.getElementById('firebug-lite')) {
- // Include the script
- var script = document.createElement('script');
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- = 'firebug-lite';
- // If you run the script locally, point to /path/to/firebug-lite/build/firebug-lite.js
- script.src = '';
- // If you want to expand the console window by default, uncomment this line
- //document.getElementsByTagName('HTML')[0].setAttribute('debug','true');
- document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].appendChild(script);
- setTimeout(function () { log( ); }, 2000);
- }
- else {
- // FBL was included but it hasn't finished loading yet, so try again momentarily
- setTimeout(function () { log( ); }, 500);
- }
- }
- }
- }
2:专门为ie下调试js用,Faux Console,使用方法:
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="fauxconsole.css" />
- <script type="text/javascript" src="fauxconsole.js"></script>
- //fauxconsole.css
#fauxconsole{- position:absolute;
- top:;
- right:;
- width:300px;
- border:1px solid #999;
- font-family:courier,monospace;
- background:#eee;
- font-size:10px;
- padding:10px;
- }
- html>body #fauxconsole{
- position:fixed;
- }
- #fauxconsole a{
- float:right;
- padding-left:1em;
- padding-bottom:.5em;
- text-align:right;
- }
- //fauxconsole.js
- /* Faux Console by Chris Heilmann */
- if(!window.console){
- var console={
- init:function(){
- console.d=document.createElement('div');
- document.body.appendChild(console.d);
- var a=document.createElement('a');
- a.href='javascript:console.hide()';
- a.innerHTML='close';
- console.d.appendChild(a);
- var a=document.createElement('a');
- a.href='javascript:console.clear();';
- a.innerHTML='clear';console.d.appendChild(a);
- var id='fauxconsole';
- if(!document.getElementById(id)){;}
- console.hide();
- },hide:function(){
- },show:function(){
- },log:function(o){
- console.d.innerHTML+='<br/>'+o;;
- },clear:function(){
- console.d.parentNode.removeChild(console.d);
- console.init();
- },/*Simon Willison rules*/
- addLoadEvent:function(func){
- var oldonload=window.onload;
- if(typeof window.onload!='function'){
- window.onload=func;
- }else{
- window.onload=function(){
- if(oldonload){
- oldonload();
- }
- func();
- }
- };
- }
- };
- console.addLoadEvent(console.init);
- }
- It tests if there is a
object defined - if there is one this means your browser has a console and the script does nothing else.
- If
, the script creates a new console object and adds a DIV to the body of the document.
//如果没有定义console,fauxconsole.js创建一个console对象,同时在 body中增加一个DIV.
- It adds a close and clear link to that
which allow you to hide or wipe the console.
- It provides you with the following methods:
- adds message to the log //console.log(message)输出消息
- shows the console // 展示consoleconsole.hide()
- hides the console//console.hide()隐藏console
- The script adds the ID
to theDIV
(unless there is another element with that ID) and you can style the console using that. The preset CSSfauxconsole.css
is pretty basic and shows the console as a grey box fixed to the top right corner of the viewport.
//JS代码增加了一个ID fauxconsole 给那个新增的DIV(文档中不要有重复的ID,若重复,必须更换另一个ID名),通过定义fauxconsole,控制console.在fauxconsole.css中,默认console box固定在浏览器可见区域右上角,背景为灰色。
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