46、(10-4) choose two:

Examine the data in the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table.



Lex De Haan

Renske Ladwig

Jose Manuel Urman

Jason Mallin

You want to extract only those customer names that have three names and display the * symbol in

place of the first name as follows:



*** De Haan

**** Manuel Urman

Which two queries give the required output?

A) SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name,INSTR(cust_name,' ')),LENGTH(cust_name),'*') "CUST NAME" FROM customers

WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ' ',1,2)<>0;

B) SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name,INSTR(cust_name,' ')),LENGTH(cust_name)- INSTR(cust_name,' '),'*') "CUST NAME"

FROM customers

WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ' ',1,2)<>0 ;

C) SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name,INSTR(cust_name,' ')),LENGTH(cust_name),'*') "CUST NAME"

FROM customers

WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ' ',-1,2)<>0;

D) SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name,INSTR(cust_name,' ')),LENGTH(cust_name)- INSTR(cust_name,' '),'*') "CUST NAME"

FROM customers

WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ' ',-1,-2)<>0;


(解析:题意是:您希望只提取具有三个名称的那些客户名称,并显示*符号来代替名称如下注意条件的用法 INSTR(cust_name, ' ',1,2)<>00,意思是从名字中找空格,从第一个开始,查看第二个空格的位置,如果有,说明名字里面就有三个名称,否则只有两个名称。同时INSTR(cust_name, ' ',-1,-2),从倒数第一个空格开始,不能再用-2 了,要用正数)

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