
1. public String getDeviceSoftwareVersion() : software version number, ex: IMEI/SV for GSM phones

2. public StringgetDeviceId() : unique device ID, for example,the IMEI for GSM phones

3. public CellLocationgetCellLocation() : the current location of the device

4. public List<NeighboringCellInfo>getNeighboringCellInfo() : neighboring cell list info of the device

5. public int getPhoneType() : two types available:  PHONE_TYPE_NONEPHONE_TYPE_GSM

6. public StringgetNetworkOperatorName() : alphabetic name of current registered operator

7. public boolean isNetworkRoaming() : phone is roaming

8. public StringgetNetworkCountryIso() : ISO country code equivilent of the current registered operator's MCC (Mobile Country Code)


10. public String getNetworkTypeName() : "UNKNOWN", "GPRS", "EDGE", "UMTS"


12. public String getSimOperator() : MCC+MNC (mobile country code + mobile network code) of the provider of the SIM. 5 or 6 decimal digits

13. public String getSimOperatorName() : Service Provider Name (SPN)

14. public String getSimCountryIso() : ISO country code equivalent for the SIM provider's country code

15. public String getSimSerialNumber() : serial number of the SIM

16. public StringgetSubscriberId() : unique subscriber ID, for example, the IMSI for a GSM phone

17. public String getLine1Number() : phone number string for line 1, for example, the MSISDN for a GSM phone

18. public String getLine1AlphaTag() : alphabetic identifier associated with the line 1 number

19. public String getVoiceMailNumber() : voice mail number

20. public String getVoiceMailAlphaTag() : alphabetic identifier associated with the voice mail number




GsmCellLocation :

1. public int getLac()

2. public int getCid()

NeighboringCellInfo :

1. public int getRssi() : received signal strength in "asu", ranging from 0 - 31, or UNKNOWN_RSSI if unknown For GSM, dBm = -113 + 2*asu, 0 means "-113 dBm or less" and 31 means "-51 dBm or greater"

2. public int getCid() : cell id, UNKNOWN_CID if unknown, 0xffffffff max legal value

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