
有几个值得注意的地方:1)使用group by语句时,前面的select语句后面的内容只能有两种情况一种是group by后面的属性,另一种是聚集函数。

2)在选取最大Salary时必须使用e1.Salary=e2.Salary and e1.DepartmentId=e2.DepartmentId两个条件,要不然会有重复。


select dep.Name as Department, pans.Name as Employee,
pans.Salary as Salary
from Department dep, (
select e1.* from
Employee e1, (select DepartmentId, max(Salary) as Salary
from Employee group by DepartmentId) e2
where e1.Salary=e2.Salary and e1.DepartmentId=e2.DepartmentId
) pans
where dep.Id=pans.DepartmentId
order by pans.Salary desc;

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