virtual ReadResult readNode(std::istream& in, const osgDB::Options* readOptions) const
// pull the URI context from the options structure (since we're reading
// from an "anonymous" stream here)
URIContext uriContext( readOptions ); osg::ref_ptr<XmlDocument> doc = XmlDocument::load( in, uriContext );
if ( !doc.valid() )
return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; Config docConf = doc->getConfig(); // support both "map" and "earth" tag names at the top level
Config conf;
if ( docConf.hasChild( "map" ) )
conf = docConf.child( "map" );
else if ( docConf.hasChild( "earth" ) )
conf = docConf.child( "earth" ); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node; if ( !conf.empty() )
// see if we were given a reference URI to use:
std::string refURI = uriContext.referrer(); if ( conf.value("version") == "" )
OE_INFO << LC << "Detected a version 1.x earth file" << std::endl;
EarthFileSerializer1 ser;
node = ser.deserialize( conf, refURI );
} else
if ( conf.value("version") != "" )
OE_DEBUG << LC << "No valid earth file version; assuming version='2'" << std::endl; // attempt to parse a "default options" JSON string:
std::string defaultConfStr;
if ( readOptions )
defaultConfStr = readOptions->getPluginStringData("osgEarth.defaultOptions");
if ( !defaultConfStr.empty() )
Config optionsConf("options");
if (optionsConf.fromJSON(defaultConfStr))
//OE_NOTICE << "\n\nOriginal = \n" << conf.toJSON(true) << "\n";
Config* original = conf.mutable_child("options");
if ( original )
recursiveUniqueKeyMerge(optionsConf, *original);
if ( !optionsConf.empty() )
conf.set("options", optionsConf);
//OE_NOTICE << "\n\nMerged = \n" << conf.toJSON(true) << "\n";
} EarthFileSerializer2 ser;
node = ser.deserialize( conf, refURI );
} MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::get(node.get());
if (mapNode)
// If the user passed in a cache object, apply it to the map now
CacheSettings* cacheSettings = CacheSettings::get(readOptions);
if (cacheSettings && cacheSettings->getCache())
mapNode->getMap()->setCache( cacheSettings->getCache() );
OE_INFO << LC << "Applied user-supplied cache to the Map\n";
} return ReadResult(node.get());
void addImageLayer(const Config& conf, Map* map)
ImageLayerOptions options( conf );
options.name() = conf.value("name");
ImageLayer* layer = new ImageLayer(options);
if (layer->getStatus().isError())
OE_WARN << LC << "Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" : " << layer->getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
} void addElevationLayer(const Config& conf, Map* map)
ElevationLayerOptions options( conf );
options.name() = conf.value( "name" );
ElevationLayer* layer = new ElevationLayer(options);
if (layer->getStatus().isError())
OE_WARN << LC << "Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" : " << layer->getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
} void addModelLayer(const Config& conf, Map* map)
ModelLayerOptions options( conf );
options.name() = conf.value( "name" );
options.driver() = ModelSourceOptions( conf );
ModelLayer* layer = new ModelLayer(options);
if (layer->getStatus().isError())
OE_WARN << LC << "Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" : " << layer->getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
} void addMaskLayer(const Config& conf, Map* map)
MaskLayerOptions options(conf);
options.name() = conf.value( "name" );
options.driver() = MaskSourceOptions(options);
MaskLayer* layer = new MaskLayer(options);
if (layer->getStatus().isError())
OE_WARN << LC << "Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" : " << layer->getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
} // support for "special" extension names (convenience and backwards compat)
Extension* createSpecialExtension(const Config& conf)
// special support for the default sky extension:
if (conf.key() == "sky" && !conf.hasValue("driver"))
return Extension::create("sky_simple", conf); if (conf.key() == "ocean" && !conf.hasValue("driver"))
return Extension::create("ocean_simple", conf); return 0L;
} bool addLayer(const Config& conf, Map* map)
std::string name = conf.key();
Layer* layer = Layer::create(name, conf);
if (layer)
if (layer->getStatus().isError())
OE_WARN << LC << "Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" : " << layer->getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
return layer != 0L;
} osg::Node*
EarthFileSerializer2::deserialize( const Config& conf, const std::string& referrer ) const
// First, pre-load any extension DLLs.
preloadExtensionLibs(conf.child("external")); MapOptions mapOptions( conf.child( "options" ) ); // legacy: check for name/type in top-level attrs:
if ( conf.hasValue( "name" ) || conf.hasValue( "type" ) )
Config legacy;
if ( conf.hasValue("name") ) legacy.add( "name", conf.value("name") );
if ( conf.hasValue("type") ) legacy.add( "type", conf.value("type") );
mapOptions.mergeConfig( legacy );
} Map* map = new Map( mapOptions ); // Start a batch update of the map:
map->beginUpdate(); // Read all the elevation layers in FIRST so other layers can access them for things like clamping.
for(ConfigSet::const_iterator i = conf.children().begin(); i != conf.children().end(); ++i)
if ( i->key() == "elevation" || i->key() == "heightfield" )
addElevationLayer( *i, map );
} Config externalConfig;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Extension> > extensions; // Read the layers in LAST (otherwise they will not benefit from the cache/profile configuration)
for(ConfigSet::const_iterator i = conf.children().begin(); i != conf.children().end(); ++i)
if (i->key() == "options" || i->key() == "name" || i->key() == "type" || i->key() == "version")
// nop - handled earlier
} else if ( i->key() == "image" )
addImageLayer( *i, map );
} else if ( i->key() == "model" )
addModelLayer( *i, map );
} else if ( i->key() == "mask" )
addMaskLayer( *i, map );
} else if ( i->key() == "external" || i->key() == "extensions" )
externalConfig = *i; for(ConfigSet::const_iterator e = i->children().begin(); e != i->children().end(); ++e)
Extension* extension = loadExtension(*e);
if (extension)
//addExtension( *e, mapNode.get() );
} else if ( !isReservedWord(i->key()) ) // plugins/extensions.
bool addedLayer = addLayer(*i, map); //mapNode.get()); if ( !addedLayer )
Extension* extension = loadExtension(*i);
if (extension)
//OE_INFO << LC << "Tried to load \"" << i->key() << "\" as a layer; now trying extension\n";
//addExtension( *i, mapNode.get() );
} // Complete the batch update of the map
map->endUpdate(); // Yes, MapOptions and MapNodeOptions share the same Config node. Weird but true.
MapNodeOptions mapNodeOptions( conf.child("options") ); // Create a map node.
osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = new MapNode( map, mapNodeOptions ); // Apply the external conf if there is one.
if (!externalConfig.empty())
mapNode->externalConfig() = externalConfig;
} // Install the extensions
for (unsigned i = ; i < extensions.size(); ++i)
} // return the topmost parent of the mapnode. It's possible that
// an extension added parents!
osg::Node* top = mapNode.release(); while( top->getNumParents() > )
top = top->getParent(); return top;
1 earth插件 map 统筹OE中所有"层"的概念,支持多层影像,高程,模型,镂空层(mask)等
- <elevation_interploation> 插值,nearset 最近点插值 average 最近点平均值 bilinear 线性插值, triangulate 三角面片插值
- <elevation_tile_size> 瓦片大小
- <elevation_texture_size> 纹理大小
- <overlay_wapring> 纹理装载
- <overlay_blending>混合
- <overlay_minmapping> 纹理映射
- <overlay_texture_size>
- <overlay_attach_stencil>模板
ImageLayerOptions: XML<<image>>节点下配置的信息,很明显,影像属性配置,部分属性值
- <nodata_image> 无数据显示的url
- <opacity> 透明度
- <min_range> 最小可视范围
- <max_range> 最大可视范围
- <min_level> 最小显示细节层级
- <max_level> 最大显示细节层级
- <min_resolution> 数据的最小分辨率,单位的像素
- <max_resolution>数据的最大分辨率,单位的像素
- <enable> 是否包含进map层
- <visible> 可视
ElevationLayerOptions: XML<<elevation>>or<<heightfield>>节点下配置的信息,高程层
- <min_level> 最小显示细节层级
- <max_level> 最大显示细节层级
- <min_resolution> 数据的最小分辨率,单位的像素
- <max_resolution>数据的最大分辨率,单位的像素
- <enable> 是否包含进map层
ModelLayerOptions: XML<<Model>>节点下配置的信息 模型层装载 矢量数据,模型,几何体等
- <name>
- <driver>
- <enable><span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">是否包含进map层</span>
- <visible>是否可见
- <overLay>
MaskLayerOptions: XML<<mask>>节点配置下的信息,镂空层
一个比较特殊的节点 ext(Config); 暂且叫他功能层,XML <<external>>,它由mapNode直接读取配置信息,实现一些经常用到的功能点,例如 视点定位 <<<viewpoint>> 星空时刻设置<<sky>>等
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