在使用一些新版本的API,或者控件的新特性(比如新版的ComCtl32.dll)的时候,你可能会得到“error C2065: undeclared identifier.“这个错误。原因是这些功能是依赖于你的操作系统的版本的。而你的头文件中的定义并不是最新的。(对于MFC,就是stdafx.h)下面详细列举了每个Windows版本对应的NTDDI_VERSION,_WIN32_WINNT,WINVER,_WIN32_IE这些宏。

The following table describes the preferred macros in use by the Windows header files.

Minimum system required                Macros to define 
Windows Server 2008                     NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN 
Windows Vista                                NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA 
Windows Server 2003 SP1                 NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WS03SP1 
Windows Server 2003                     NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WS03 
Windows XP SP2                          NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXPSP2 
Windows XP SP1                          NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXPSP1 
Windows XP                                  NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP 
Windows 2000 SP4                        NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2KSP4 
Windows 2000 SP3                        NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2KSP3 
Windows 2000 SP2                        NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2KSP2 
Windows 2000 SP1                        NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2KSP1 
Windows 2000                                NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2K

The following table describes the legacy macros in use by the Windows header files.

Minimum system required                 Macros to define 
Windows Server 2008                      _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0600
Windows Vista                            _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0600
Windows Server 2003                      _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0502
Windows XP                               _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0501
Windows 2000                             _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500
Windows NT 4.0                           _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0400
Windows Me                               _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0500
Windows 98                               _WIN32_WINDOWS>=0x0410
Windows 95                               _WIN32_WINDOWS>=0x0400
Internet Explorer 7.0                        _WIN32_IE>=0x0700 
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2                 _WIN32_IE>=0x0603 
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1                 _WIN32_IE>=0x0601 
Internet Explorer 6.0                        _WIN32_IE>=0x0600 
Internet Explorer 5.5                         _WIN32_IE>=0x0550 
Internet Explorer 5.01                        _WIN32_IE>=0x0501 
Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.0a, 5.0b          _WIN32_IE>=0x0500 
Internet Explorer 4.01                       _WIN32_IE>=0x0401 
Internet Explorer 4.0                          _WIN32_IE>=0x0400 
Internet Explorer 3.0, 3.01, 3.02        _WIN32_IE>=0x0300


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