常见的计算机网络物理拓扑结构: 1.星型网 2.树型网 3.分布式网络 4.总线型网 5.环型网 6.复合型网络 计算机网络相关的标准化组织: 国际标准化组织(ISO):International Organization for Standardization 国际电信联盟(ITU):International Telecommunication Union 电子电器工程师协会(IEEE):Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国…
Apparently, this is an excellent interdisciplinary study. This paper drawn on a simple but large database that contains notable individuals in Europe and North America over two thousand years, analyzed their migration activities by utilizing tools an…
前言 - simplec 单元测试 流程介绍 一个关于C基础库 simplec 2.0.0 发布了. 详细的文档介绍请参照 README.md. 说的再多都无用, 抵不上 gdb 一个 b r n. 本文就简单介绍一下 simplec 中怎么添加单元测试功能. simplec winds Debug 启动流程是 main -> simplec_main -> simplec_test. 所以所有的 单元测试都采用如下结构 /* * simple c 单元测试主函数 * return : voi…
Netmon is a light-weight network monitor that works on Windows operating systems. It provides different types of statistics for each process. Currently, Netmon supports two languages: English Simplified Chinese Four views are provided by Netmon to il…
netstat (network statistics) is a command line tool for monitoring network connections both incoming and outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface statistics etc. netstat is available on all Unix-like Operating Systems and also available…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_booting Network booting Network booting is the process of booting a computer from a network rather than a local drive. This method of booting can be used by routers, diskless workstations and centrally managed com…
Name of article:Improving Network Management with  Software Defined Networking Origin of the article:Kim H , Feamster N . Improving network management with software defined networking[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2013, 51(2):114-119. ABSTRACT: o…
原文地址:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004059167 介绍 在专业的网络世界中,经常使用到Virtual Routing and Forwarding(VRF),比如Cisco,Alcatel-Lucent, Juniper 等.对于L2 switch,自从上世纪90年代就开始使用VLAN,一个物理交换机上可以使用多个广播域,如今大多数交换机都支持4K vlan. 这个概念被引入到L3,如今很多网络设备支持VRF.这意味着,单个物理设备上可运行多个虚拟…
简介 一时好奇心起,想一窥.Net Framework 4.0内部究竟是使用何种算法排序.以前听人说Framework内部是使用的快速排序,但究竟耳听为虚,眼见为实.主要通过JetBrains dotPeek 1.2作为工具反编译Framework的代码进行查看,也参考了其他很多资料.本人才疏学浅,其中难免存在错误,希望大家不吝指教. 数组 众所周知,数组实质上是Array类的实例.呃,要是被代表了,可以通过如下方式验证: 数组排序方法 初一看,数组的排序方法似乎很多,如下图: 但是只要我们再认…
重新审视RDMA的网络支持 本文为SIGCOMM 2018会议论文. 笔者翻译了该论文.由于时间仓促,且笔者英文能力有限,错误之处在所难免:欢迎读者批评指正. 本文及翻译版本仅用于学习使用.如果有任何不当,请联系笔者删除. Abstract (摘要) The advent of RoCE (RDMA over Converged Ethernet) has led to a signifcant increase in the use of RDMA in datacenter networks…
Recurrent Neural Network 2016年07月01日  Deep learning  Deep learning 字数:24235   this blog from: http://jxgu.cc/blog/recent-advances-in-RNN.html    References Robert Dionne Neural Network Paper Notes Baisc Improvements 20170326 Learning Simpler Language…
This article introduces the networking part of Elasticsearch. We look at the network topology of an Elasticsearch cluster, which connections are established between which nodes and how the different Java clients works. Finally, we look a bit closer o…
Code-based Configuration: Entity Framework 6 has introduced code based configuration. Now, you can configure Entity Framework related settings using the code which had been previously configured in the <entityframework> section of the app.config. Ho…
Download Sample Project: Download sample project for basic Entity Framework tutorials. Sample project includes SchoolDB.mdf for SQL Server 2012. It also includes SchoolDB.sql script if you are using a different version of SQL Server.…
本文转载自 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3261.txt 中文翻译可参考 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3e59517b1711cc7931b71654.html Network Working Group J. Rosenberg Request for Comments: 3261 dynamicsoft Obsoletes: 2543 H. Schulzrinne Category: Standards Track Columbia U.…
| Main | Site Index | Download | mimetic A free/GPL C++ MIME Library mimetic is a free/GPL Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It is based on the C++ standard library and heavily us…
1 Protection Profile Introduction   This document defines the security functionality expected to be provided by a general-purpose operating system capable of operating in a networked environment. It also provides a set of assurance components that de…
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 (ILSVRC2015) Legend: Yellow background = winner in this task according to this metric; authors are willing to reveal the method White background = authors are willing to reveal the method Grey background…
PART I GROUNDWORK CHAPTER 1 Introduction CHAPTER 2 One on One (101) CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internet CHAPTER 4 More Than Two PART II FOUNDATIONS CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphics CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middleware CHAPTER 7 Middleware and Messa…
Linux TCP Performance Tuning News Linux Performance Tuning Recommended Books Recommended Links Linux performance bottlenecks Kernel parameters tuning on Linux Performance Monitoring tcpdump iptraf netstat ntop nfsstat lsof vmstat Disk subsystem tunin…
原文链接 Awesome C++ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Awesome C++ Standard Libraries Frameworks Artificial Intelligence Asynchronous Event Loop Audio Biology BitTorren…
The purpose of this post is to provide an introduction to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. While I've participated in lots of discussions online about MVVM, it occurred to me that beginners who are learning the pattern have very little to go…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-board_diagnostics#Standards_documents SAE standards documents on OBD-II J1962 - Defines the physical connector used for the OBD-II interface. J1850 - Defines a serial data protocol. There are 2 variants- 10.4 kbit/s (s…
The articles in this series are focused on individual Business Analysts and their managers. https://www.batimes.com/kathleen-hass/ba-practice-lead-handbook-1-why-is-business-analysis-taking-the-world-by-storm.html Global And Local Challenges Business…
此文来自于对http://source.android.com/porting/index.html中bring up段的简译.其中有一处与源码的 system/core/init/readme.txt(此文也是对init.rc 的解释)内容不同: socket <name> <type> <perm> [ <user> [ <group> ] ] ----------------------------------------------- 注…
摘要 随着信息技术的不断发展,人类可以很容易地收集和储存大量的数据,然而,如何在海量的数据中提取对用户有用的信息逐渐地成为巨大挑战.为了应对这种挑战,数据挖掘技术应运而生,成为了最近一段时期数据科学的和人工智能领域内的研究热点.数据集中的频繁模式作为一种有价值的信息,受到了人们的广泛关注,成为了数据挖掘技术研究领域内的热门话题和研究重点. 传统的频繁模式挖掘技术被用来在事务数据集中发现频繁项集,然而随着数据挖掘技术应用到非传统领域,单纯的事务数据结构很难对新的领域的数据进行有效的建模.因此,频繁…
Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese TensorFlow 中文资源全集,学习路径推荐: 官方网站,初步了解. 安装教程,安装之后跑起来. 入门教程,简单的模型学习和运行. 实战项目,根据自己的需求进行开发. 很多内容下面这个英文项目: Inspired by https://github.com/jtoy/awesome-tensorflow 官方网站 官网:https://www.tensorflow.org/ 中文:https://tensorflow.google.cn/…
go启动后,可以用telnet登录访问. 注意端口配置写在.env里面. 源码:https://github.com/mycoralhealth/blockchain-tutorial/tree/master/networking 英文原版:https://medium.com/@mycoralhealth/code-your-own-blockchain-in-less-than-200-lines-of-go-e296282bcffc Part 2: Networking — Code yo…
原文网址:http://www.blogjava.net/sound/archive/2008/08/21/40499.html 现在的计算机图书发展的可真快,很久没去书店,昨日去了一下,真是感叹万千,很多陌生的出版社,很多陌生的作者,很多陌生的译者,书名也是越来越夸张,什么××天精通××,精通××编程, ××宝典等等,书的印刷质量真的很好,纸张的质量也是今非昔比啊,但书的内容好象却是越来越让人失望,也许是我老了,我的思想我的观念已脱离现实社会,也许是外面的世界变化得太快,我编程数月,出去一走,…
Selenium3已经宣布不支持移动化测试.对于老牌测试工具selenium来说这是以退为进,因为移动自动化测试工具的标准还在selenium团队手上. 本文轻度翻译了这个标准,看得懂的人不用翻译也能看懂,看不懂的人翻的天花乱坠也是一头雾水. 注意,这个规格是给工具的开发者定义的条条框框,对于使用者来说,只要知道哪些是必须工具必须支持的,且支持的细节是什么就可以了,其他可以不去深究. 这个标题就不翻译了 Mobile JSON Wire Protocol Specification 源地址 DR…