dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid  的介绍说, EnhancedGrid 是基于 DataGrid 提供增强功能的. EnhancedGrid (dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid) provides a rich set of features that enhance the capabilities of base DataGrid. All these features are implemented as separate plugins which can…
1.错误截图 2.错误出处 <body class="claro"> <div id="gridContainer"> <span id="jsonStore" url="data.json" data-dojo-id="jsonStore" data-dojo-type="dojo/data/ItemFileWriteStore" > </sp…
转自: dojo.require("dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid"); dojo.require("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Pagination"); dojo.require("dojox.grid.cells"); dojo.require("dojox/grid/_CheckBoxS…
背景 Extjs4.2 默认提供的Search搜索,功能还是非常强大的,只是对于国内的用户来说,还是不习惯在每列里面单击好几下再筛选,于是相当当初2.2里面的搜索,更加的实用点,于是在4.2里面实现. 国际惯例,先上图 参考文献 国外的大牛已经帮我们实现了在4.0中的应用,但是到4.2还需要做少许变更才可以使用. 修改后的源代码如下[复制如下代码,放…
We can describe the nature of a grid in an ‘ASCII-art’ way with grid-template-areas. Let’s see how to specify the nature of our grid so that it’s instantly recognisable to anyone else what our layout is going to look like. We can mix 'fr' with other…
We can use named grid lines to describe our grid layout. Let’s see how to apply this to our grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, and how to refer to these from our grid items. Syntax like: grid-template-columns: [left-sidebar-start] 1fr [mai…
It’s beautifully straightforward to add a gutter to our grid layout. Let’s apply one with grid-gap.…
It’s possible to position a grid item anywhere on a grid track. To do this, let’s specify some grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, and to the grid items, we’ll pass grid-column and grid-row some numeric values. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lan…
ALV 列表和按钮 效果 源代码 PROGRAM bcalvc_tb_menu_with_def_but. *&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&…
概述 数据元素是数据模型的基本要素,用于描述图形网元,业务网元,或者纯数据.TWaver HTML5中所有数据元素都继承自twaver.Data.为不同功能的需求,预定义了三类数据类型:twaver.Element,twaver.Alarm,twaver.Layer,分别用来描述拓扑的网元,告警和图层.其中拓扑网元扩展定义了十几种网元类型,用以描述丰富的拓扑网元特性,其中最常用的几类拓扑网元包括:Node.Link.Group.SubNetwork.Grid等,TWaver中网元的继承关系如下图…