First Steps: Command-line】的更多相关文章

How to build .apk file from command line Created on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 14:32 If you don’t want to install a number of programs for building your Android project, this article is for you. You will need only JDK, the Android SDK platform tools and…
For our development process of iOS applications, we are using Jenkins set up on the Mac Mini Server, acting as a Continuous Integration (CI) server. It’s fairly easy to configure Jenkins for Xcode projects using Xcode Plugin - however, from time to t…
Notes on The Linux Command Line (by W. E. Shotts Jr.) edited by Gopher 感觉博客园是不是搞了什么CSS在里头--在博客园显示效果挺蛋疼的...这本书相当棒,建议一读 File, file systems and commands ls -a(all) -d(directory) -h(human-readable) less (show file content) FHS /bin: Contains binaries (pr…
Step 1: Install Shadowsocks Client Shadowsocks is an open-source proxy project to help people visit some websites :). To speed up web surfing, we need to install a Shadowsocks client first. For Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install shadowsocks For Mac: brew i…
1.最近使用SVN工具时,Checkout出项目到本地后后,然后将其导入到Intellij idea中开发,在提交svn代码的时候,出现这样的错误:Can't use Subversion command line client: svn     Probably the path to Subversion executable is wrong. Fix it.百度了一个上午,终于找到解决方法.在此感谢火龙战士的博主…
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a tool that lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android phone. ADB is bundled with Android SDK package that can be downloaded from Android SDK download page. This tool is usefull for communicating with A…
来源于: The Command Line API contains a collection of convenience functions for performing common tasks: selecting and inspecting DOM elements, displaying data in read…
This trick I learned from my one of ex-college.  In Windows servers, only two remote desktop sessions allowed with administrative access. There are situations, you can't connect to the server via remote desktop because of two sessions already active.…
使用Intellij的svn时提示出错:Can't use Subversion command line client: svn. Errors found while svn working copies detection. 当我在使用svn,Checkout一个项目后,然后将其导入到Intellij中,就出现这样的报错! 经过google后,明白了,我的问题是:我安装的TortoiseSVN工具,本身不是带有command-line功能的,必须要安装VisualSVN,而且须要单独安装.…
系统:ubuntu16.04.1 软件:Virtualbox-5.1 编译器:GCC 4.7.4 在如上环境下安装Vbx5.1提示我在终端执行/sbin/vboxconfig命令 照做 出现如下error Building VirtualBox kernel modules. failed: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong. There were probl…
Yunduan CUI graphical user interfaces make easy tasks easy, while command line interfaces make difficult tasks possible Part 1 学习Shell 1. 什么是 Shell? Shell 是用户与操作系统交流的程序,它读取用户的键盘输入并交由操作系统执行相应的命令.所有linux都支持一个叫做 bash 的shell,它的全称是 "Bourne Again SHell&quo…
在Intellij IDEA里checkout东西时出先这个错误提示:Can't use Subversion command line client:svn Subversion command line client version is too old(1.5.5) 这是安装tortoise svn的时候没有选中command line client,导致出错. 解决办法:重新安装一下TortoiseSVN-   在 如图,把红圈中…
MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client输入密码后闪退的问题: 问题分析: 1.查看mysql command line client默认执行的一些参数.方法:开始->所有程序->MySQL->MySQL Server5.7->MySQL5.7 command line client,右键属性. 2.注意看目标的内容.内容比较长,复制出来如下: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql.exe&…
command line terminal vim 编辑工具 vim 编辑命令 j 光标上移 k 光标下移 l 光标左移 h 光标右移 x / dd 删除一行 v 多行模式 :w 保存 :q 不保存退出 (+!强制退出) :wq / :x / shift + zz 保存并推出 / 搜索 :set nu 设置行号 / : set nonu 取消行号 i 启动 insert 模式 o 创建一行,并启动insert模式 vim + 文件名 (进入文件编辑环境,有该文件即打开编辑,无则创建并编辑) vi…
今天用java写一个程序,用的是mysql数据库.界面出现乱码,然后写了一个过滤器结果了乱码问题. 但是,当我在mysql command line 中查询数据的时候,在界面上显示正常的数据,在mysql command line中显示乱码. 然后, 按网上说的,设置mysql编码,如下图所示: 所有项都设置成了utf-8,如下图 执行了charset gbk之后就能正常显示了,如下图所示: 问题:为什么设置成gbk能够正常显示,uf8不能正常显示呢,两种编码应该都能正常显示中文才对啊? 原因:…
Linux用户以及权限相关命令 查看身份 id:Display user identity. 这个命令的输出会显示uid,gid和用户所属的组. uid即user ID,这是账户创建时被赋予的. gid是primary group ID,是主要的组的id.当然这个用户也可以属于其他更多的组. 用户账户信息被定义在 /etc/passwd文件中,组信息被定义在/etc/group文件中. chmod 命令名称:chmod 命令英文原意:change the permissions mode of…
<The Linux Command Line> 读书笔记02 关于命令的命令 命令的四种类型 type type—Indicate how a command name is interpreted. type命令:展示命令的类型. which which—Display which executable program will be executed. which命令:展示可执行命令的位置. 因为可执行命令有可能会有多个版本,所以有必要根据位置来判断究竟是哪个. which仅对可执行程序…
<The Linux Command Line> 读书笔记01 基本命令介绍 1. What is the Shell? The Shell is a program that takes keyboard commands and passes them to the operating system to carry out. 提示符 $被称作shell prompt,它表明shell准备好接收输入. 通常是包含了你的用户名和机器名(username@machinename),之后是当前的…
1 问题描述: ubuntu环境下用eclipse+maven开发Scala的时候出现错误:scalac error: bad option: '-make:transitive' on mvn package via command line 2 解决方法: (1)打开pom.xml,删除 <parameter value="-make:transitive"/> (2)添加dependance <dependency>             <gro…
Most of this note comes from the Beginning the Linux Command Line, Second Edition by Sander van Vugt The only reason why many administrators are using a graphical interface on Linux, is because it allows them to run many terminal windows simultaneous…
Click Module(一)                                                  ----xiaojikuaipao The following material was from the website  : 1. click Arguments website: Arguments work similarly to op…
在Object-C基础教程中写到,要求选择Xcode中Mac OS X - Command Line Utility - Foundation Tool 但在Xcode4.5中Mac OS X中没有Command Line Utility,如下图所示: 找了一会,终于找到解决方案啦!…
1.准备工作及介绍 时间有点紧张,写的不是很详细,请见谅. 当前版本是2.2以上,购买版的.试用版的无法试用Command line Both Spine and the Spine launcher must be 2.1.00 or higher to perform command line export. To update the Spine launcher, download and reinstall Spine. 将Spine的安装目录设置到系统环境变量中(我的电脑,右键,属性…
学习Data Science at the Command Line时,win7下安装环境是遇到了一些小问题,最后通过百度解决. 官方指导可以在这个地址找到: 1)电脑安装完vagrant+virtual box之后,新建工作目录, 默认会在c:\User\<username>\目录下生成.vagrant.d及\VirtualBox VMs目录,C盘空间可能会因此而不足. a)打开VirtualBox,从菜单项选择…
26down votefavorite 7 My problem: Running windows 7 and using the executable command line tool to curl my localhost server api for POST data was returning me an error that seems to be really common. The request was being sent properly with the except…
Android Studio集成SVN插件,check out出代码后,每次开启都会在右上角出现如下错误: Can't use Subversion command line client: svn Probably the path to Subversion executable is wrong. Fix it.Errors found while svn working copies detection. Fix it. 下面直接上解决方案吧: 1.安装客户端http://ncu.dl.…
MySQL 5.6 在命令行输入密码,就会提示这些安全警告信息. Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 注: mysql -u root -pPASSWORD 或 mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD 都会输出这样的警告信息. 1.针对 mysql mysql -u root -pPASSWORD 改成 mysql -u root -p 再输入密码即可. 2.mysql…
Windows服务器Azure云编译安装MariaDB教程 编辑:future 来源:转载 安装MariaDB数据库最多用于linux系统中了,下文给各位介绍在Windows服务器Azure云编译安装MariaDB教程,希望本文能帮助到各位.   试用1元Windows Azure,带宽都是杠杠的.下面演示下Windows Azure下编译安装LNMP环境,系统环境是Ubuntu 14.04 TLS版 软件版本: 数据库:mariadb-10.0.13 Stable…
Linux Command Line 解析 0 处理模型 Linux kernel的启动包括很多组件的初始化和相关配置,这些配置参数一般是通过command line进行配置的.在进行后续分析之前,先来理解一下command line的处理模型: 要处理的对象是一个字符串,其中包含了各种配置信息,通常各个配置之间通过空格进行分离,每个配置的表达形式是如:param=value1,value2 或者很简单就是一个rw. 那么kernel就需要提供对这些参数进行处理的处理函数列表.根据参数的作用以及…
在命令行输入密码,就会提示这些安全警告信息. Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.   注: mysql -u root -pPASSWORD 或 mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD 都会输出这样的警告信息. 1.针对mysql mysql -u root -pPASSWORD 改成mysql -u root -p 在输入密码即可.   2.mysqldump就比较麻…