In some cases it may be necessary to enlist participants that aren't two-phase commit aware into a two-phase commit transaction. If there is only a single resource then there is no need for two-phase commit. However, what if there are multiple resour…
本文转自: Entity Framework Sprocs with Multiple Result Sets Updated: October 23, 2016 Sometimes when using stored procedures you will need to return more than one result set. This scenario is commonly us…
Part I-An introduction to transactions If you look at any introductory article or book on J2EE, you'll find only a small portion of the material devoted to the Java Transaction Service (JTS) or the Java Transaction API (JTA). This is not because JTS… Summary In this article, the term "connection" refers to a single logged-on session of the database. Each connection appears as a Session ID (SPID). Each of these SPIDs is often referred to as a process, al…
5 alternatives to LogMeIn Free for remote PC access VNC VNC, or Virtual Network Computing, isn’t itself a product, but an open-source remote-control and display technology that’s implemented by Tight VNC (free), Ultra VNC (free) and RealVNC (free and…
A multiprocessing system having a plurality of processing nodes interconnected by an interconnect network. To optimize performance during spin-lock operations, a home agent prioritizes the servicing of read-to-own (RTO) transaction requests over the…
Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…
WCF Interview Questions – Part 4   This WCF service tutorial is part-4 in series of WCF Interview Questions. Before reading this please go through the following articles in this series. 这是WCF问答教程的第四部分,在阅读之前请先去看下面列出来的文章. WCF Service Interview Question…
What is load testing? - Load testing is to test that if the application works fine with the loads that result from large number of simultaneous users, transactions and to determine weather it can handle peak usage periods. What is Performance testing…
在reddit上看到的一篇讲解数据库实现的文章,非常有意思,在这里记录一下. 回答者technical_guy: Its a great question, and deserves a long answer. Most database servers are built in C, and store data using B-tree type constructs. In the old days there was a product called C-Isam (c library…
Topic Summary Topic: CORRECTIONS: Corrections Topic: DELIVER: Receiving Delivery Topic: DROPSHIP: Drop Shipment Topic: INSPECT: Receiving Inspection Topic: LOT_SERIAL: Lot/Serial Control Topic: ORACLE TIME AND LABOR: OTL Topic: PAY_ON_RCPT: Pay On Re…
转载自: Its a great question, and deserves a long answer. Most database servers are built in C, and store data using B-tree type constructs. In the old days there was a…
在LoadRunner中为什么要设置思考时间和pacing 答: 录制时记录的是客户端和服务端的交互,如果要精确模拟 用户的行为,那么客户操作客户端时花费了很多时间要怎么模拟呢?录入 填写提交的内容,从列表中下拉搜索选择特定的值等,这时LOADRUNNER 不会记录用户 的客户端操作,而是记录了用户这段时间,成为思考时间(Think-time),因为用户的这些客户端操作不会影响服务端,只是让服务器端在这段时间内没有请求而已.,所以加入思考时间就能模拟出熟练的或者生疏的用户操作,接近实际对于服务端…
一.前言 巨杉数据库(SequoiaDB)是国内第一款新一代文档型分布式数据库,巨杉数据库由巨杉软件完全自主研发,拥有完全自主知识产权,不基于任何其它的开源项目.SequoiaDB数据库是为分布式存储.并行计算模型.云计算资源条件下搭建和运行应用程序而设计的. 作为一款操作性数据库,巨杉数据库在海量数据实时读写场景具有得天独厚的优势,拥有较高的读写性能. 为便于跟其他同类数据库进行比较,在本篇文章中,我们介绍一个专门用于对NoSQL数据库产品进行性能测试的工具--YCSB. 二.YCSB介绍 Y…
写在前面 目前,在系统设计中引入了越来越多的NoSQL产品,例如Redis/ MongoDB/ HBase等,其中性能指标往往会成为权衡不同NoSQL产品的关键因素.对这些产品在性能表现和产品选择上的争论,Ivan碰到不止一次.虽然通过对系统架构原理方面的分析可以大致判断出其在不同读写场景下的表现,但一是对受众有较高的要求,也来的不那么直接.这时候,没有什么比一次性能测试更有说服力.有什么好的性能测试工具呢?这就是今天的主角YCSB.YCSB是Yahoo开源的一套分布式性能测试工具,方便易用,拓…
在数据库服务器异常断电重启后,数据库会进行实例恢复,那么实例恢复的过程中Oracle做了什么操作呢?参考官网在这里做一下解释,菜鸟水平有限,欢迎勘正. 首先说下实例恢复的定义: Instance recovery is the process of applying records in the online redo log to data files to reconstruct changes made after the most recent checkpoint. Instance…
故障现象 主从gtid报错,复制错误1837,这个复制故障可以说是第一次遇到. Last_Errno: 1837 Last_Error: Error 'When @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detaile…
原帖地址:   1.AXI简介 AXI(Advanced eXtensible Interface)是一种总线协议,该协议是ARM公司提出的AMBA(Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture)3.0协议中最重要的部分,是一种面向高性能.高带宽.低延迟的片内总线.它的地址/控制和数据阶段是分离的;支持地址不对齐…
mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database           | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql              | | performance_schema | | test               | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> use test;…
一.什么是二进制日志 1.记录对数据发生或潜在发生更改的sql语句 2.二进制格式保存 3.用途广泛,包括 a.查看数据库变更历史 b.数据库增量备份 c.数据库灾难恢复 d.mysql replication 二.不重启修改二进制日志配置 1.set @@global.log_bin=1; 2.set @@global.binlog_size=37268  (单位是bytes) 3.其他参数通过以下命令查阅 show variables like '%bin%'; 三.常用二进制日志相关参数…
非常简短的文字,却异常明了的说明了一个数据库管理系统的核心原理,原文来自原文. Its a great question, and deserves a long answer. Most database servers are built in C, and store data using B-tree type constructs. In the old days there was a product called C-Isam (c library for an indexed s…
[root@localhost mysql3306]# mysqlbinlogmysqlbinlog Ver 3.4 for el7 at x86_64Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be t…
43.(9-2)choose three Which three tasks can be performed by DDL statements? A) preventing data retrieval from a table outside of office hours B) modifying a table to prevent data that violate certain conditions from being entered in a column C) preven…
查看指定的二进制日志中的事件(MYSQL命令行) mysql> show binlog events in 'binlogfullpath'; 查看二进制日志中的事件(MYSQL命令行) mysql> show binlog events; 查看服务器上的二进制日志(MYSQL命令行) mysql> show binary logs; 重新开始一个新的日志文件 mysql> flush logs; ==========================================…
1.初始化: pgbench -i pgbench 如果端口号有变化,需要先手动创建数据库,再执行. pgbench -i -s 10 -p 5433 pgbench 重点:主要用到两个参数,-i:初始化模式,-s 插入的倍数,默认是1,即插入100000条:也就是执行多少次generate_series(1,100000). 2.开始测试: pgbench -c 96  -j 12 -T 20 -r -p 5433 pgbench -bash-4.1$ pgbench -c 96  -j 12…
第9章 事务管理 一些名词: 2PC(2 Phase Commit) XA协议 JTS(Java Transaction Service) JCA(Java EE Connector Architecture) JPA(Java Persistence API) JPQL(Java Persistence Query Language) Spring支持声明式和编程式事务管理. 9.1 研究Spring事务抽象层 在使用事务时,必须选择是使用全局事务(分布式事务)还是本地事务.本地事务特定于单个…
Classes Dexie DexieError Collection and():Add JS based criteria to collection(向集合添加基于JS的条件) delete():Delete all objects in the collection(删除集合中的所有对象) distinct():Remove duplicates of items with same primary key(删除具有相同主键的项的重复项) modify():Modify all obje…
Bitcoin Core Daemon version v0.15.1.0-g7b57bc998f Usage: bitcoind [options] Start Bitcoin Core Daemon Options: -? Print this help message and exit -version Print version and exit -alertnotify=<cmd> Execute command when a relevant alert is received o… TCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple AddressesRFC 8684   Document Type   RFC - Proposed Standard (March 2020; No errata) Obsoletes RFC 6824 Was draft-ietf-mptcp-rfc6824bis (mptc…
Techniques are presented that include determining, for data to be written to a nonvolatile memory, a location in the nonvolatile memory to which the data should be written based at least on one or more wear metrics corresponding to the location. The…