C++ security issue analyze】的更多相关文章

https://sploitfun.wordpress.com/about-2/ “Happiness is only real when shared” – Into the wild http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44799/preventing-command-line-injection-attacks?answertab=oldest#tab-top 翻译,不错 http://www.hpenterprisesecurity.com/vulnca…
Today the Django team is issuing multiple releases -- Django 1.4.8, Django 1.5.4, and Django 1.6 beta 4 -- to remedy a security issue which was disclosed publicly by a third party earlier today. These releases are now available on PyPI and our downlo…
Security Checklist Website by     Michael Horowitz  Home | Introduction | Router Bugs | Security Checklist | Tests | Resources | About | The most expert person in the world can only make a router as secure as the firmware (router OS) allows. The foll…
RAC: Frequently Asked Questions [ID 220970.1]   修改时间 13-JAN-2011     类型 FAQ     状态 PUBLISHED   Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.2 Purpose Frequently Asked Questions for Real Applicatio…
A few days ago, while working on an ASP.NET 4.0 Web project, I got an issue. The issue was, when user enters non-encoded HTML content into a comment text box s/he got something like the following error message: "A potentially dangerous Request.Form v…
LLMNR(Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution,链路本地多播名称解析)协议是一种基于DNS包格式的协议.它可以将主机名解析为IPv4和IPv6的IP地址.这样用户就可以直接使用主机名访问特定的主机和服务,而不用记忆对应的IP地址.该协议被广泛使用在Windows Vista/7/8/10操作系统中. 该协议的工作机制很简单.例如,计算机A和计算机B同处一个局域网中.当计算机A请求主机B时,先以广播形式发送一个包含请求的主机名的UDP包.主机B收到该UDP包后…
格式化log输出 oneline --oneline标记将每个commit压缩成一行. 默认情况下显示一个commit ID和commit描述的第一行. 输出如下: 0e25143 Merge branch 'feature' ad8621a Fix a bug in the feature 16b36c6 Add a new feature 23ad9ad Add the initial code base decorate 许多时候知道commit是和哪一个分支或tag关联的是非常有用的.… master     cd /etc/yum.repos.dwget http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/yum/repo.d/htcondor-stable-rhel6.repo wget http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-HTCondor rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-HTCondor yum install condor.x86_6…
Electronic Payment App is getting more and more popular now. People don't have to bring credit cards any more. All they need to do is using their smartphones and they could go shopping, check bills and dining in restaurants. It very convenient but so…
Android 之窗口小部件详解--App Widget  版本号 说明 作者 日期  1.0  添加App Widge介绍和示例  Sky Wang 2013/06/27        1 App Widget简介 App Widget是应用程序窗口小部件(Widget)是微型的应用程序视图,它可以被嵌入到其它应用程序中(比如桌面)并接收周期性的更新.你可以通过一个App Widget Provider来发布一个Widget. 本文参考Android官方文本,先介绍App Widget的主要组…
目录 . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 FCKeditor是目前最优秀的可见即可得网页编辑器之一,它采用JavaScript编写.具备功能强大.配置容易.跨浏览器.支持多种编程语言.开源等特点.它非常流行,互联网上很容易找到相关技术文档,国内许多WEB项目和大型网站均采用了FCKeditor 它可和PHP.JavaScript.ASP.ASP.NET.ColdFusion.Java.以及ABAP等不同的编程语言相结合F…
New and old users alike can run into a pitfall. Below we outline issues that we see frequently as well as explain how to resolve those issues. In the #nginx IRC channel on Freenode, we see these issues frequently. This Guide Says The most frequent is…
先说为什么需要讨论这个问题. 现在很多的手机应用,都可能会直接嵌入一个web页面.这样做的好处:一个是功能更新方便,维护起来容易,只需要维护服务器的页面即可,不需要更新客户端:另一个是功能通用,不仅android可以用,ios也可以用,symbian也可以直接用. 那为什么现在很多手机应用并不做成web方式的呢?原因很多.一个是现阶段web方式展现能力相对较弱,如果对于应用的美观程度要求比较高,就无法使用web方式:一个是web方式速度相对较慢,用户体验会受一些影响:一个是现阶段流量还是相对宝贵…
A. To specify credentials individually for each remote Open Git repositories view, open "Remotes > origin > <your push url>" click "Change Credentials..." (From User Guide - Resource Context Menu) B. To specify credentials…
Rsync是的全称是: remote synchronize, 也就是远程同步数据, 它是一款不错的文件同步软件,而且是免费的, 它在镜像保存整个目录树和文件系统的同时保持原来文件的权限.时间.软硬链接.这对于以后文件的恢复提供了极大的帮助.rsync可通过 LAN/WAN 快速同步多台主机间的文件. Rsync 本来是用以取代 rcp 的一个工具,它当前由  rsync.samba.org 维护(官网:http://rsync.samba.org/). Rsync 使用所谓的“ Rsync 演…
今天我想谈下SQL Server里的一个特别话题——即时文件初始化(Instant File Initialization).对于你的SQL Server实例,如果你启用了即时文件初始化,在特定情况下,你会获得巨大的性能提升.即时文件初始化定义了当在数据文件里分配新的空间时,SQL Server引擎如何和Windows操作系统打交道. 问题缘由 在SQL Server默认配置里,当你在数据文件里分配新空间时,SQL Server会调用内部WIN32 API函数,填0初始化新分配的NTFS簇.这就…
转载自 http://www.cnblogs.com/cchyao/archive/2010/07/01/1769204.html 1.概述 FCKeditor是目前最优秀的可见即可得网页编辑器之一,它采用JavaScript编写.具备功能强大.配置容易.跨浏览器.支持多种编程语言.开源等特点.它非常流行,互联网上很容易找到相关技术文档,国内许多WEB项目和大型网站均采用了FCKeditor(如百度,阿里巴巴).本文将通过与PHP相结合,从基本安装到高级的配置循序渐进介绍给广大PHPer. FC…
在Windows中配置Rsync同步 Rsync是一款不错的文件免费同步软件,可以镜像保存整个目录树和文件系统,同 时保持原来文件的权限.时间.软硬链接.第一次同步时 rsync 会复制全部内容,下次只传输修改过的文件部分.传输数据过程中可以实行压缩及解压缩操作,减少带宽流量.支持scp.ssh及直接socket方式连接, 支持匿名传输.支持Linux,Window平台.写本文的时候,window版最新版为4.0.5版 官网:http://rsync.samba.org/ Linux版下载:ht…
If you are attempting to migrate a project between environments through application designer you might get a message saying: Target Operator ID has 'No Access' to Upgrade. (62,14) In the explain text, it states that: In order to access the target dat…
实验环境 (1) Rsync服务器: (2) Rsync客户端: Rsync服务器端的配置 1. 安装xinetd和rsync # yum install xinetd # yum install rsync 2. 创建配置目录和文件 # mkdir /etc/rsync 该目录下包含3个文件: rsyncd.conf           # rsync主配置文件 rsyncd.secrets      # 密码文件 rsyncd.motd      …
It is a security issue, so to fix it simply do the following: Go to the Oracle folder. 1- Right Click on the folder. 2- On security Tab, Add “Authenticated Users” and give this account Read & Execute permission. 3- Apply this security for all folders…
The first two letters of vsftpd stand for "very secure" and the program was built to have strongest protection against possible FTP vulnerabilities.   Step One—Install vsftpd You can quickly install vsftpd on your virtual private server in the c…
格式化Log输出 首先,这篇文章会展示几种git log格式化输出的例子.大多数例子只是通过标记向git log请求或多或少的信息. 如果你不喜欢默认的git log格式,你可以用git config的别名功能来给你想要的格式创建一个快捷方式. Oneline --oneline标记把每一个提交压缩到了一行中.它默认只显示提交ID和提交信息的第一行.git log --oneline的输出一般是这样的: 0e25143 Merge branch 'feature' ad8621a Fix a b…
http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/07/java-keystore-tutorial.html Table Of Contents 1. Introduction 2. SSL and how it works 3. Private Keys 4. Public Certificates 5. Root Certificates 6. Certificate Authorities 7. Certificate Chain 8. Keystore using J…
原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/iefreer/article/details/4626274. (一) 应用程序窗口小部件App Widgets 应用程序窗口小部件(Widget)是微小的应用程序视图,可以被嵌入到其它应用程序中(比如桌面)并接收周期性的更新.你可以通过一个AppWidgetProvider来发布一个Widget.可以容纳其它App Widget的应用程序组件被称为App Widget宿主.下面的截屏显示了一个音乐App Widget. 这篇文章描述了如何使…
Apache(tm) Batik SVG Toolkit - a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) The Apache™ Batik Project Page Contents Apache™ Batik SVG Toolkit Overview What Batik can be used for The SV…
Eclipse使用总结 1.Eclipse中出现无法找到Maven包     症状:出现org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER, 且出现无法找到Maven的依赖的问题   解决方案:Build Path -> Java Build Path ->Libraries ->Add Library ->Maven Managed Dependences ->点击Next ->点击'Maven Project setti…
Elasticsearch has a flaw in its default configuration which makes it possible for any webpage to execute arbitrary code on visitors with Elasticsearch installed. If you're running Elasticsearch in development please read the instructions on how to se…
未经书面许可,.请勿转载 Custom Modules Until now we have been working solely with the tools provided to us by Ansible. This does afford us a lot of power, and make many things possible. However, if you have something particularly complex or if you find yourself…
Source: http://joystick.artificialstudios.org/2014/10/mac-os-x-local-privilege-escalation.html Nowadays, exploitation of user-level vulnerabilities is becoming more and more difficult, because of the widespread diffusion of several protection methods…