This is a very old and well-known problem. There is no way to be absolutely certain a file being written by the FTP daemon is complete. It's even possible that the file transfer failed and then gets restarted and completed. You must poll the file's s…
错误提示: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?  出现该问题的很多,以下是目前碰到的几种情况,之后碰到继续补充:  1.删除了/tmp路径中的.s.PGSQL.5432 与.…
09-09 09:43:21.651: D/MediaPlayer(3340): Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side09-09 09:43:21.661: E/MediaPlayer(3340): attachNewPlayer called in state 128 使用MediaPlayer播放时第二次播放就遇到这个问题,看了下文档最简单的解决办法就是在每次调用播放之前,先reset一下player,就ok了…
错误提示: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? 出现该问题的很多,以下是目前碰到的几种情况,之后碰到继续补充: 1.删除了/tmp路径中的.s.PGSQL.5432 与.s.…
Recently i am developing the IOS app, a feature is needed to upload image to the webservice server. I am using the AFNetworking library. The function is as follow. -(void)SendImage:(NSData *)imgData { NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"ShopID": [NSS…
Forward from: How to setup vsftpd FTP file Server on Redhat 7 Linux   In this short config we will install FTP file Server on RHEL7 Linux using vsftpd. We will stick to the…
本文转自: By Steve Smith ASP.NET MVC actions support uploading of one or more files using simple model binding for smaller files or streaming for larger files. View or download sample fr…
The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network Technology Group Created: June 12, 1993 Click to open or copy the files in the EXEVIEW sample application for this technical article. Click to open or copy t…
  The PXE configuration file defines the menu displayed to the pxe client host as it boots up and contacts the TFTP server. You need a PXE configuration file for PXE. The TFTP server is always listening for PXE clients on the network. When it detects…
In this tutorial we will create a remote file monitor using EasyHook. We will cover how to: 使用EasyHook创建一个全局文件监控程序,包括   Inject a managed assembly into an existing target process based on the process Id 将托管程序集(dll)注入到已存在的进程ID Inject a managed assembly…