If you're involved in web development and, for some reason, you haven't given a ride to IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 yet, this will talk you into doing it right away. Has it happened to you that you changed an HTML or an XML tag in your code and broke it becau…
Intellij IDEA 14 作为Java IDE 神器,接触后发现,非常好用,对它爱不释手,打算离开eclipse和myeclipse,投入Intellij IDEA的怀抱. 然而在使用的过程中会发现Intellij IDEA也有一些不尽如意的地方,难免会有些不爽:Intellij IDEA 的插件库远不及eclipse的丰富. mybatis-generator在eclipse中有专门的插件,而没有开发出Intellij IDEA能够使用的插件. 不过不用灰心,如果你的项目是使用mave…