题目大意 给定数字P,Q,求出所有P和Q的约数p,q能够组成的不重复数字对(p,q) 解题思路 作为本场比赛的第一题,本题的难度在于考察选手是否有基本的编程能力. 本题中需要求出P,Q所有约数组成的数字对,因此我们需要先将P,Q两个数字所有的约数分别找出来,再依次组合后输出. #include "iostream" using namespace std; #define M 100 int main(){ int P,Q; int Poo[M],Qoo[M]; ,Q_count=;…
本题是一道微软面试题,看起来复杂,解出来会发现其实是一个很简单的递归问题,但是这道题的递归思路是很值得我们反复推敲的. 原题为hihocoder第77周的题目. 描述 Koch Snowflake is one of the most famous factal. It is built by starting with an equilateral triangle, removing the inner third of each side, building another equilat…
题目1 : The Lastest Time 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 What is latest time you can make with 4 digits A, B, C and D? For example if the 4 digits are 1, 0, 0, 0, you can make 4 times with them: 00:01, 00:10, 01:00, 10:00. The lastest time will…