OpenCASCADE Make Face With Holes】的更多相关文章

OpenCASCADE Make Face With Holes OpenCASCADE提供了构造Face的类BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace,使用这个类可以构造出带孔的面.如下图所示: 当然,要得到上图所示的结果,还可以使用Boolean操作,用一个面去Cut几个圆柱.当使用布尔操作就会涉及到一些复杂算法,如求交,重构Topo体等,比较耗时.既然可以直接在生成面的时候挖孔,这个不涉及复杂算法,速度.稳定性都比使用布尔操作要好.本文主要来介绍如何使用BR…
OpenCASCADE PCurve of Topological Face Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a class BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace to build topological faces. A face maybe built from a surface, elementary surface from gp package, surface from Geom, from a wire and…
OpenCASCADE AIS Manipulator Abstract. OpenCASCADE7.1.0 introduces new built-in interactive object AIS_Manipulator providing interface for moving objects within 3D viewer. The class features three kinds of transformation modes for attach…
Convert BSpline Curve to Arc Spline in OpenCASCADE Abstract. The paper based on OpenCASCADE algorithms to approximate the NURBS curve to arc spline. The method is most useful in numerical control to drive the cutter along straight line…
OpenCASCADE Shape Location Abstract. The TopLoc package of OpenCASCADE gives resources to handle 3D local coordinate systems called Locations. A Location is a composition of elementary coordinate systems, each one is called a Datum. The…
OpenCASCADE BRep Projection 一网友发邮件问我下图所示的效果如何在OpenCASCADE中实现,我的想法是先构造出螺旋线,再将螺旋线投影到面上. 为了验证我的想法,结合原来螺旋线的造型算法,来测试下这种效果的实现.依然采用Tcl脚本在Draw Test Harness中试验.个人觉得高效使用OpenCASCADE的方法应该也是先用Tcl脚本来验证一些想法后,再根据使用到的命令找到OpenCASCADE中DRAW的命令实现,最后再可以根据DRA…
OpenCASCADE Expression Interpreter by Flex & Bison Abstract. OpenCASCADE provide data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics. Flex and Bison are tools for building programs that handle structured input. Th…
OpenCASCADE Data Exchange - 3D PDF Abstract. Today most 3D engineering model data are save to 3D PDF files. Universal 3D(U3D) along side Product Representation Compact(PRC), U3D is the historical foundation used to embed 3D interactive…
OpenCASCADE Interpolations and Approximations Abstract. In modeling, it is often required to approximate or interpolate points to curves and surfaces. In interpolation, the process is complete when the curve or surface passes through al…
OpenCASCADE Ring Type Spring Modeling Abstract. The general method to directly create an edge is to give a 3D curve as the support(geometric domain) of the edge. The curve maybe defined as a 2D curve in the parametric space of a surface…