Using Radio Buttons in Angular 2 requires a basic understanding of forms as well as how their labels will match up with each input. This lesson shows how to use *ngFor with radio buttons and covers the quirks of the id property and forattributes as w…
Angular 2 forms provide RxJS streams for you to work with the data and validity as it flows out of the forms. These streams allow you handle complex scenarios and asynchronous scenarios with relative ease. This example shows you how to log out the va…
Forms in Angular 2 are essentially wrappers around inputs that group the input values together into an object and also check that all the inputs are valid. Angular 2 ‘sngForm allows you to get a reference to that object and validity and use them to d…
Select Dropdowns in Angular 2 a built with select and option elements. You use *ngFor to loop through your values and create options and use ngModel to keep track of the value as it changes. <form #formRef="ngForm"> <select name="l…
//switch-control component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, NG_VALIDATORS, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'switch-control', templateUrl: './switch-control.componen…
In this tutorial we are going to learn how we can also implement custom form field validation in Angular 2 template driven forms, by creating our own custom validation directive. We are going to see how to write such directive and how its a best prac…
In JSF, "h:selectOneRadio" tag is used to render a set of HTML input element of type "radio", and format it with HTML table and label tag. //JSF... <h:selectOneRadio value="#{user.favColor1}"> <f:selectItem itemValue…
Input tags with the type attribute checkbox can be grouped like radio buttons so that several checkboxes have the same name. However, any number of checkboxes can be selected by the user. Working with checkboxes in JavaScript is similar to but not ex…
Create CSS3 Buttons Compatible with All Browsers…
添加单选按钮 关联变量 调试宏TRACE BOOL类型 一.添加一组单选按钮 二.添加第二组单选按钮 三.关联变量 四.单选按钮运用 void CMY_Dialog::OnBnClickedButton1() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 UpdateData(true); switch(m_radio_index1) { : TRACE(); break; : TRACE(); break; : TRACE(); break; } } "Warning: skipping…