在工作中经常会碰到需要做行中行,多级行的情况,不熟的情况下,我也只能试着实现. 命名空间 using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository; using System.Data.SqlClient; 实现代码 一下实现的也只是一个demo,大家不要拘泥于数据 DB db = new DB(); DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); SqlCommand comm2 = new SqlCommand(sql, db.getSq…
Row Indicator Panel The row indicator panel represents a region displayed at the left edge of the View. The panel contains row indicator cells corresponding to different View sections (the band header panel, the column header panel, data rows, the Vi…
1.从Blend工具箱中添加一个Button,按住shift,将尺寸调整为125*125; 2.右键点击此按钮,选择Edit control parts(template)>Edit a copy... 3.在弹出的Create style resource对话框中,修改新按钮样式的名称 4.在左侧的Object and timeline面板中选中ContentPresenter元素,按Ctrl+X将此标记临时保存到内存中 5.选中Chrome,按Delete键删除 6.选中Template,在…