最近还没更完OpenCV又开了新坑,谁教machine learning处在紧急又重要的地位呢.更新的内容总结自Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M. Bishop,英文书哪里都好,不过有时候表达一个意思要写好大一段啊,所以内容上只保留了精华部分.考虑应该做ML通用英文,所以没有翻译,文章中一些重要的“请读者证明”和练习用的Matlab代码也会一并更新. Training phase (learning phase)…
[该系列是检讨计算机网络知识.因为现在你想申请出国.因此,在写这篇博客系列的大多数英语.虽然英语,但大多数就是我自己的感受和理解,供大家学习和讨论起来] 1 Network Edge The device such as computers and mobiles connect to the Internet. So they are referred as end systems(who run the application programs) sitting at the edge of…
虽然学过Machine Learning和Probability今天看着一part的时候还是感觉挺有趣,听惊呆的,尤其是Bayesian Approach.奇怪发中文的笔记就很多人看,英文就没有了,其实我觉得英文的写得更好呀...囧...一边看一边写一边实现,好慢,求同道中人啊...…
啊啊啊,竟然不支持latex,竟然HTML代码不能包含javascript,代码编辑器也不支持Matlab!!!我要吐槽博客的编辑器...T_T只能贴图凑合看了,代码不是图,但这次为了省脑细胞,写的不简洁,凑合看吧... numPoints = ; lnlambda = [-Inf - ]; M = ; % [, , , ]; x = linspace(,); % gt data for plotting t = sin(*pi*x); ttest = t + normrnd(,0.2, siz…
Basic Concepts of Block Media Recovery Whenever block corruption has been automatically detected, you can perform block media recovery manually with the RECOVER ... BLOCK command. By default, RMAN first searches for good blocks in the real-time query…
Basic Concepts There are a few concepts that are core to Elasticsearch. Understanding these concepts from the outset will tremendously help ease the learning process. 有一些概念是Elasticsearch的核心.从一开始就理解这些概念将极大地帮助简化学习过程. Near Realtime (NRT) Elasticsearch i…
Basic concepts of speech Speech is a complex phenomenon. People rarely understand how is it produced and perceived. The naive perception is often that speech is built with words, and each word consists of phones. The reality is unfortunately very dif…