Adding an instance to a MEF container】的更多相关文章

How can you add an already created instance to a MEF container/cataloge to use when resolving Imports. I want the functionality that Unity gives with the RegisterInstance method on its containers. You can use the ComposeExportedValue function for thi…
这几个工具的站点 Microsoft Unity Service Locator MEF  .net4.0内含,3.x前在codeplex上开源 Utility The main reasons to use Unity (or any other IoC container) are if: Ø You have dependencies between yo…
The Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) is a built-in set of elements that allows you to “export” and “import” objects across projects that allows you to not rely on hard dependencies. From Microsoft: The Managed Extensibility Framework or MEF is a…
也许你编程的时候很小心,注意不引起内存泄露,例如不要被全局Static的变量引用上,注意Singleton的static引用,注意Event Handler注销,注意IDisposable接口实现,而且正确实现了IDisposable.但或许你还是有内存泄露,为何?因为你的IDisposable接口根本没有被触发!为什么?参考MSDN这个页面的”Dispose method not invoked ”章节.还有其它的内存泄露原因,比如第三方组件或框架,框架本身的内存泄露问题,已经框架本身有Lif…
managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection. Dependency injection is a fancy phrase that essentially means this: class dependencies are "injected" into the class via the constructor or, in some cases, "setter" metho…
[总文档]How to Add Node/Instance or Remove Node/Instance in 10gR2, 11gR1, 11gR2 and 12c Oracle Clusterware and RAC (Doc ID 1332451.1)…
In this example: protocol MyProtocol { func testFuncA() } extension MyProtocol { func testFuncA() { print("MyProtocol's testFuncA") } } class MyClass : MyProtocol {} let object: MyClass = MyClass() object.testFuncA() static dispatch is used. The…
void java.awt.Container.validate()Validates this container and all of its subcomponents.这个函数更新容器及其全部子控件,更新容器意味着重新布置它的子控件.布局相关的更改(例如设置子控件的大小位置,向容器添加新控件)会invalidate这个容器.需要注意,当前容器invalidate会自动导致它的父容器进行invalidate(详见Component.invalidate).因此,要想恢复整个层次的有效性(v…
SOURCE URL: Skinning with CSS3 Flowplayer skin design is CSS3. There are 4 approaches use the default skins with modifier classes override default skins with your own CSS clone our default skins and edit them… the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…