错误信息 19/01/15 19:36:40 WARN consumer.ConsumerConfig: The configuration max.poll.records = 1 was supplied but isn't a known config. 19/01/15 19:36:40 INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka version : 0.9.0-kafka-2.0.2 19/01/15 19:36:40 INFO utils.AppInfoParse…
var http = require('http'); var handlerRequest = function(req,res){ res.end('hello');}; var webServer = http.createServer(handlerRequest);webServer.listen(9090); console.log('webServer running on 9090..'); 以上代码在windows上运行没有错误,然后我把代码上传到centos虚拟机里,运行后报…
If I run a server with the port 80, and I try to use xmlHTTPrequest i get this error: Error: listen EADDRINUSE Why is it problem for nodejs, if I want to do a request, while I run a server on the port 80? For the webbrowsers it is not a problem: I ca…
5.抛出throw关键字 马克-to-win:我们先说5/0的原理,当程序运行到5/0的时候,java系统JVM会在后台new出一个除0异常实例,之后把这个实例传入catch块儿供开发者使用.马克-to-win:而这里throw new Exception();是开发者自己主动new出一个异常实例,之后把这个实例传入catch块儿供开发者自己使用.马克-to-win:对于catch来讲,不管谁抛的,处理起来都一样. (新手必须忽略)意义是什么?见后面的sun的例子(1.5.4_a):if(url…